SoftwareKeep - SoftwareKeep Blog 2024-07-02T08:41:18-07:00 SoftwareKeep 2024-04-06T02:15:10-07:00 2024-04-06T02:15:10-07:00 How to Save Microsoft Word Documents as PDF and Other Formats Rick Akura več

Creating Microsoft Word documents is easy when you own a powerful software suite such as MS Office. You’re able to open the program up, choose to create a new or edit an existing document and get to work. Then, when you’re finished, you’re left to save it in the format of your choice. This allows people to view the document on a number of devices and by opening different programs.

Getting Started

To start, you’ll need to own a copy of authentic Microsoft Office software. You’ll then want to create a ‘New’ or ‘Open’ an existing document that you can edit. Once you’re done creating the document, adding to it or omitting text, you’ll want to proofread it for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

You do this by going to ‘Review’ at the top of the ribbon and selecting ‘Spelling & Grammar’. Word will then make suggestions for the words it doesn’t recognize. You have the option to change them or ‘Add to Dictionary’ which keeps the spellcheck from triggering every time Word sees the term you’re using.

To save the document as a PDF, you’ll need to take the following steps:

  1. First, choose ‘File’ then ‘Export’.

    This allows you to change the document format from the standard one you use ordinarily.
  2. Next, select ‘Create PDF/XPS’.

    Word now knows what format you prefer for this particular document.
  3. Last but not least, select ‘Publish’.

    This published the document in PDF format which you’ll see when you search for the file name. It will read .PDF versus .DOC or .DOCX.

To save the document in another format, you’ll need to do this instead;

  1. Select ‘File’ and ‘Export’.

    It’s the same first step as before.
  2. Next, choose ‘Change File Type’.

    You’ll be prompted to choose the file type you’re wanting to save the document as.
  3. Choose ‘Save As’.

    This allows you to name the file and select where it will be stored.
  4. Name the file and select ‘Save’.

    Remember where you saved the file to and what you name it so you’re able to retrieve it quickly and easily.

You don’t have to save a Word document in standard format. There are a number of options for you to choose from. By saving it in different formats, you’re able to accommodate readers on a range of devices or using different software versions than you.

Keep in mind that Microsoft Office comes in different versions to meet user needs. You won’t have a document that other people can’t open when you save it as a PDF or basic .DOC file. They’ll just need to have whatever it is they need to read the document on their computer, laptop or mobile device.

What Makes a PDF Ideal for Some Documents?

More often than not, you’ll be asked to save a Word document as a PDF or another format. Now that you’re aware of how to do that, you’ll be able to complete the task with ease. If someone requests that the document be in PDF format, you’ll be able to deliver what they asked for without great difficultly. Publishing items as PDFs allows you to create a readable format that is perfect for mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.

Where to Get Authentic Microsoft Office Software

So, you’ve probably seen places that advertise free Microsoft software. The problem with not paying for the programs you download and use is this. It’s likely filled with viruses that steal personal information and destroy your hard drive. Even if it isn’t malicious in nature, it’s a bootleg copy that someone is giving away illegally.

You’ll want to buy software that is guaranteed and advertised as authentic. Microsoft is one place to purchase MS Office software and apps. Software Keep is another.

Offering authentic Microsoft products available for digital download for Mac and PC, the software and apps that we sell are heavily discounted. Best of all, you don’t have to search everywhere for a copy of MS Office 2010 when we have our products neatly organized on our website.

Don’t Risk Your Computer and Personal Information with Iffy Software

You’re able to purchase and download your products immediately. That means saving documents as PDFs and other formats is something you’re able to do right away. You won’t risk infecting your computer by taking a chance on a third party software site with free downloads.

]]> 2024-03-11T13:15:01-07:00 2024-03-11T13:15:01-07:00 10 MS Word Tips to Further Enhance Your Productivity Sara Alsaqaf Microsoft has ensured that they have built Word to cater to various users’ needs and elevate user experience. Learn 10 essential tips to help boost your productivity in Microsoft Word.


Microsoft Office Word (MS Word) is essential in our daily lives, hence the need to know different MS Word tips. MS Word serves as a handy tool for everyone, especially for writers, editors, professors or teachers, office staff, and lawyers, to name a few. MS Word is one of the most important tools you can use in Microsoft Office, and Microsoft has ensured that they have built MS Word to cater to various users’ needs and elevate user experience. Moreover, it covers a majority number of needs from people in all sorts of academic fields and businesses.

Every laptop owner uses MS Word to create and save their important documents. MS Word is the go-to tool to create, manage, and access pertinent files and documents that are needed for school, home, and business. All in all, over 90 percent of offices give their employees access to MS Word to leverage their productivity as the program from Microsoft is one of the most important tools for creating, transacting, and managing businesses.

Ten Microsoft Word Tips That Will Make Your Life Better

Make use of the undo and redo options

To save you more time and correct mistakes or revert a file to its updated version, the undo and redo options are the best options to use. If you accidentally delete a whole bunch of texts and captions on the file, you can simply click on undo. This function brings you to the previous version of your document so you don’t have to worry about being unable to go back to your previous text. But if you change your mind and you want to go back to an old sentence or paragraph that you deleted, you can easily revert the file by using redo.

Constantly save your MS Word file

One of the most important MS Word tips to keep in mind is saving your MS Word file repeatedly. In case your PC or laptop encounters problems and unnecessary restarts, constantly saving your MS Word file is beneficial to your work. You wouldn’t want to lose your hard work just because of a power outage or a random power fluctuation, don’t you? In doing so, you do not have to repeat everything that you have written from the start. MS Word also provide sits own recovery tool, yet it is not always guaranteed that you can go back to the exact content that you had before you lost your document.

Utilize the diagrams in MS Word

As part of our MS Word tips, utilizing diagrams in your MS Word file can bring more life to your reports. MS Word does not limit your creativity, and it can even enhance it. Using these helpful tools in your MS Word arsenal can make your report, assignment, or an ordinary document more attractive and readable manner for your intended audience.

Activate gridlines when placing a photo in your document

Another favorite when it comes to MS Word tips is activating gridlines. MS Word is a regular plain blank paper on screen that does not have any color (or is just plain white) as its default. In cases when you need to include a photo in your document as part of your report or assignment, activating the grid is a useful tip. In doing so, you can make the photo proportionate to your intended size and with other photos that you are planning to include.

Use the auto-correct tool

MS Word is capable of checking your basic grammar through the use of the auto-correct tool. It can constantly run a spell check so you can rest assured that your file is proofread properly. You can even change the language setting of your MS Word spell check. Different grammar tools like Grammarly can also be installed as another proofreading and sentence construction tool to make your document typo and grammatical error-free.

Make use of the cut and paste tool

If you are just going to copy a certain Word file or text from another document, simply use the copy and paste tool of MS Word. This will help you save more time and energy in doing your paperwork instead of manually retyping the text.

Maximize the use of different formatting style

Instead of going to the usual plain document, opt to maximize the use of different formatting styles available on the MS Word Home tab or Design tab. This will help you make your document more like you, thus making it reflect your personality.


Different MS Word tips always advance and are being upgraded from time to time to meet any user’s needs efficiently. MS Word is one of the best tools to create a document and provide compelling work that can bring you success in the long run at school or work. Microsoft Word is the most powerful word processor available, and no doubt the most widely used, so we at SoftwareKeep CA want to ensure you get the most from it. To that end, we have brought you these tips and will continue to bring you seful tips and information as time goes on.

Why SoftwareKeep is the Right Place to Buy?

SoftwareKeep is a trusted software reseller and a Microsoft Certified Partner. We exist to make technology accessible by helping people like you choose the perfect product, get a great deal, and install it easily – so you can enjoy your software immediately. If you’re looking for genuine Microsoft software at the best price, complete with 24/7 customer support and advice, you’re in the right place.

]]> 2024-03-11T13:13:39-07:00 2024-03-11T13:13:39-07:00 7 Useful Tips to Build More Creative MS PowerPoint Templates Sara Alsaqaf Through the years, Microsoft has consistently upgraded PowerPoint, and it now offers a lot of different templates that can help anyone who has to give a presentation at the office, school, and even at home.


Microsoft PowerPoint, sometimes called MS PowerPoint, is one of the major and most useful components of Microsoft Office that features MS PowerPoint templates. Through the years, Microsoft has consistently upgraded MS PowerPoint, and it now offers a lot of different templates that can help anyone who has to give a presentation at the office, school, and even at home.

Microsoft PowerPoint Templates

MS PowerPoint templates have been consistently improving to enable people to give professional looking presentations that will both inform and impress your audience. Using MS PowerPoint is considered to be one of the more important marketing skills that an employee can have. Creating a good and attractive presentation is the key to closing a sale, getting the audience’s interest, and engaging them through an eye-catching presentation. MS PowerPoint presentations can make or break your sales presentation, talk, or project.

MS PowerPoint presentations can make or break your sales presentation, talk, or project. This is the reason why a lot of presenters are investing so much effort and time to build an interesting and engaging look for their reports through some creative and innovative MS PowerPoint templates. If a PowerPoint presentation encounters a problem, this might affect the audience’s outlook about the report such as products, services, and straight facts, to name a few. MS PowerPoint has its own built-in templates that users can easily select and use for free. But if you want to create more personalized presentations.

PowerPoint templates

If you use PowerPoint on a regular basis or if you make complex presentations, it’s a good idea to have a starting place when you are ready to create a new presentation. This is where templates come in handy. A PowerPoint template gives you a basic setup for your presentation that may include everything from font choices to transition choices. Other design elements are in place for specific types of presentations. Besides the templates we’ve mentioned here, you can find many more templates to help get you started with your presentation.

Here are some useful tips to build a more creative MS PowerPoint template:

Style your MS PowerPoint presentation

Do not limit yourself to the options available on MS PowerPoint. Default MS PowerPoint templates are provided for you, and you can utilize them depending on the kind of presentation that you are going to make or required to present. But don’t let this limit your creativity, use some flair to catch the attention of your audience.

Create custom presentation

MS PowerPoint is very flexible and can meet the need of any student or employee. You can create a custom presentation starting from scratch, and this would not be limited to changing the size of the page, its background color, height and width, and other accessories that you are eyeing to include in your presentation.

Use shapes and colors for dynamic approach

The presentation options in MS PowerPoint are composed of different shapes and colors which you can use and combine depending on your preference, type of audience, and overall style. If you are creating or building your own MS PowerPoint presentation from scratch, make use of the shapes and colors available to make your presentation more attractive. Shapes and colors can bring out the best in your presentation. And most likely, even figure-oriented reports can benefit from a more creative output.

Include photos and other visuals

MS PowerPoint presentations or presentations, in general, can catch the audience’s interest when the presenter or the reporter uses different images. Images can help make the presentation more interesting. An audience is reported to be more visual. Cluttering your presentation with too much text can bore them and make your slides appear clumped.

Use similar fonts for uniformity

If you are eyeing to present a creative presentation, choosing a nice font can be one of the best solutions to address this concern. However, you must only limit your font style to one or two. Using different fonts in a presentation is not recommended, especially if you are in the corporate field. Keep in mind that it is necessary to choose a readable font so that everyone can easily read the data in your presentation.

Use the right font size

To make your presentation more readable, interesting, and attractive, it is not only the font style that you must consider but also the font size. Using a smaller font size can strain your audience’s’ eyes, and they could have a hard time reading or paying attention to your presentation.

Limit your slides

To ensure that your audience doesn’t get restless until you finish your presentation, limit your slides, if possible. Using more slides than necessary might bore your audience. Make your MS PowerPoint presentation more concise and only present relevant data. Using too many slides can also cause delays on your presentation because it will require a bigger memory or storage capacity.

MS PowerPoint templates are the secret to better reporting. Making your presentation more concise, creative, and attractive can lead to better engagement with your audience, no matter the setting. Customizing it depending on your audience can tailor-fit the data you must relay to their needs and can lead to a better interaction with them. Follow the above simple tricks and tips to create a dynamic PowerPoint presentation that will get your point across.

Building your own templates is a great way to have customized templates available for the kinds of specific presentations you do. If you do presentations on a regular basis, designing your own PowerPoint template for Microsoft PowerPoint is really the only sure way to go. It allows you to create the kind of presentations you like to create and it saves you loads of time, so learn how to not only find great templates you can use with your PowerPoint, or create your own for even more flexibility, and you will stay one step ahead of the game.

Why SoftwareKeep is the Right Place to Buy?

Remember, SoftwareKeep is a trusted software reseller and a Microsoft Certified Partner Our goal is to make tech accessible by helping people like choose the perfect product, get a great deal, and install easily, letting you can enjoy your software immediately. If you’re looking for genuine Microsoft software at the lowest price, complete with 24/7 customer support and advice, trust us to satisfy your needs.

]]> 2022-02-06T08:00:00-08:00 2024-03-19T06:59:41-07:00 Windows OS Shortcuts That Make Your Life Easier Rick Akura več

We live in a society that values efficiency. That’s why ‘hacks’ are so popular. If you can get something done in half the time, why wouldn’t you?

Windows shortcuts make life easier. They increase productivity by eliminating unnecessary steps which frees up your time to complete the task at hand.

You’ll find it easier to access the commands you need without having to access the menu each time you want to do something with Windows.

Common Windows Shortcuts You’ll Want to Learn Now

Printing out a list of shortcuts can help you learn how to use Windows quicker.

Post it nearby so that you’re able to reference it until you commit the commands to memory. If you have a bulletin board or dry erase board, you can easily write down the commands in a place where you’ll see them often.

Some of the most common Windows 10 shortcusts that you’ll use include:

  • CTRL+A. Lets you select all items in a window at once.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+N. Allows you to make a new folder whenever you need one.
  • WINDOWS KEY+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW/RIGHT ARROW. Move a window over to a second monitor. This is handy if you use multiple screens to work.
  • WINDOWS KEY+D. Minimizes open windows.
  • WINDOWS KEY+UP Arrow. Maximize a window.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+ESC. Allows you to open the task manager and select a command.
  • ALT+F4. Close the window you’re working on.
  • WINDOWS KEY+F1. Get help with whatever issue you’re having with Windows.

If you’re not a Windows user, there are a number of MAC shortcuts available to make maneuvering your computer easier.

You’re able to close a window, open the help menu, and even take a screenshot in just a few clicks. Microsoft Office is available for PC and MAC and offers a number of shortcuts you can learn and use regularly, too.

Shortcuts make it easier for you to get started using Windows and Microsoft Office programs right away. You don’t have to master the software to use it efficiently which is a plus.

If you’re pressed for time, you can refer to the commands, use the shortcuts and learn more about Windows and MS Office when you have more time to do so.

Productivity Shortcuts in Windows

If you’re pressed for time, use shortcuts and commands to get started with Windows right away. You don't have to master the system in order to use shortcuts efficiently, which is a plus!

If you're ever trying out new computer apps, look up their keyboard shortcut information as soon as possible. When your work needs more speed than just precision, there's no need for slowing down because you need to use hard-to-find features on screen.

  • Ctrl + C — Use this command to copy text you've selected.
  • Ctrl + X — Cut text and add it to your clipboard.
  • Ctrl + V — Paste the latest item from your clipboard.
  • Ctrl + Z — Undo the last action.
  • Alt + Tab — Switch between currently open apps.
  • Windows key + Tab — Switch to task view.
  • Windows key + PrtScn — Take a screenshot of your screen.
  • Alt + PrtScn — Take a screenshot of the active window.

The best part about some of these shortcuts is your ability to use them in other apps as well. For example, you can efficiently copy, cut, and paste inside Microsoft Office apps using these shortcuts.

Management Shortcuts in Windows

Use the commands below to easily manage your computer by simply pressing a few buttons. No need to get into complex menus and look through countless settings.

  • Windows key + I — Open the Settings application.
  • Windows key + S — Open the Search interface.
  • Windows key + X — Open the hidden WinX menu. You can quickly power off your computer, restart it, or log out of your user, and access many essential apps.
  • Windows key + L — Use this shortcut to lock your PC.

Yes, you can be a Windows user and still make use of the keyboard shortcuts even if you’re on a personal device.

Some people think it's only for power users, or those who have expensive setups. This isn't true at all! You don’t need anything other than your regular screen in order to take advantage of these advanced hotkeys built into the Windows OS.

Office and Windows Software are Our Specialty

Download Microsoft Office Pro at Software Keep. Equip yourself with tools that make success inevitable.

We offer Student Microsoft Office as well as other versions of Microsoft Office for you to choose from.

Each has its own list of benefits with increased efficiency topping the list of all Microsoft programs and apps.

You can download MS Office and Outlook for your iOS or Android-enabled smartphone for access to your emails on the go.

Another Timesaving Advantage to Using MS Office and Windows

Take time to learn the different shortcuts that make using the software you download from us easier.

It is worth the effort and gives you yet another reason to buy MS Office.

You’ll have access to powerful programs and applications that increase efficiency, improve communications, and help you brand and market yourself.

Software Keep believes in providing its customers with the highest level of customer support possible.

If you encounter a problem while digitally downloading the copy of MS Office that you bought from us, let us know.

We want to ensure that you have the best experience buying and using the software suite and apps needed to make your personal, professional, and academic lives easier.

Follow-up to your new knowledge about shortcuts by learning more about The Most Useful Excel Keyboard Shortcuts or Popular Microsoft Office Shortcuts.

Software Keep Has the Best Selection of Digitally Downloadable MS Software

When you buy from Software Keep, you’re not only getting lower prices, you’re also getting our guarantee.

Digitally download Student Microsoft Office or another version of Microsoft Office right away. You won’t have to wait for your copy to arrive in the mail.

Instead, you’ll have access to download instructions once you receive an email from us.

Use shortcuts to simplify the processes you do day in and day out. You’ll find that knowing a few simple commands will help you eliminate a lot of unnecessary steps when wanting to minimize or maximize a window or get the help that you need to run Windows more smoothly.

You’ll save time because you’ll know how to ‘hack’ the system by skipping the taskbar and going straight for the command.

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Visit our Help Center to get access to hundreds of articles covering hundreds of topics, and with tips on how to get the most out of your system.

Want more? Sign up for our newsletter to get promotions, deals and discounts from us right in your inbox. Subscribe with your email address below.

Keep Learning 

» Tips to Boost Your Productivity at Work
» Getting Started With Windows 10
» Google Docs vs. Microsoft Word: Which One Is Suitable for You?

]]> 2018-11-28T21:50:11-08:00 2024-03-19T00:03:57-07:00 How to Make Your PowerPoint Presentations Stand Out Rick Akura več

PowerPoint is a powerful program with robust features that help make your slideshow presentations stand out. It is designed to be user-friendly and maximize efficiency with its wide range of tools and features. PowerPoint is one of many programs available with a digital download of Microsoft Office. The software suite is jam-packed with innovative options that enhance a user’s experience. Get it here.

Make Your PowerPoint Presentations Visually Exceptional

If you’re wondering how to make your PowerPoint presentations to stand out, there are a number of things you can do. From using Designer to add music and photographs to your slides, you’ll be able to create a visual and auditory experience for the viewer that rivals a professional presentation. It doesn’t matter what level of skill that you have, either, because anyone can use the tools provided to create a PowerPoint slideshow that no one forgets.

Tell the Story Like Only You Can Do

Forbes recommends doing the following to grab your audience’s attention. First, you’re going to need to identify and tell the story. Explain the beginning, middle, and end of the story so you’re able to accomplish your goals faster. Be mindful not to ‘data dump’ as Forbes so eloquently calls providing heaps of data without truly explaining why it’s important in the first place.

Keep It Short and Simple

Next, keep it short and simple. Presenting too much information overwhelms the audience. Instead, give them a few valuable nuggets to think about.

Get Them Interested in What You Have to Offer

You’ll keep them interested enough to want to do some further research on their own. If your goal is to persuade them to buy your product or services, they’ll likely be more apt to check them out. They’ll be intrigued and need to know what it was that you were talking about during the PowerPoint presentation.

Keep It Simple and On Topic

Eliminate content that has nothing to do with your main point. Again, it pays to keep it short and simple. You’ll have no issue holding people’s attention when you stay focused on the topic you’ve chosen to present.

Too many times, presenters go astray because they’re not well-rehearsed, let the audience interject in the middle of the slideshow or feel like they need to explain an idea thoroughly. This makes them lose sight of the presentation length and often go over their designated time slot. This is something that drives many audience members crazy and should be avoided at all costs.

Use PowerPoint to Make Your Message Clear

Use visuals to enhance the audience’s experience. They shouldn’t be used to repeat the ideas that the speaker has already gone over. They should actually amplify the message by making it stronger and more relevant.

Make Sure That the Presentation is Visible Anywhere in the Room

Check out the different areas of the room to make sure that everyone can see the slides well. If they can, you’ll have no problem getting the message across clearly. You’ll want to test the mic, too, by having someone sit in the back and tell you how well they’re hearing what you’re saying.

Microsoft Office Offers Plenty of Powerful Tools for You to Choose From

Now that you know how to make your PowerPoint presentations stand out, you’ll be better prepared the next time you stand up and present. With so many options to choose from, you’ll see how easy it is to buy MS Office and download it on your Mac or PC. You’ll be able to deliver a clear, effective presentation professionally.

Software Keep, Your Source for MS PowerPoint

Software Keep offers the best selection of Microsoft software and apps. If you haven’t had a chance to check out our inventory, now is the time to do so. You’ll be able to instantly download your favorite version of MS Office so that you’re able to make your PowerPoint presentation stand out.

It doesn’t matter if it’s Student Microsoft Office or Microsoft Office for Professionals. You get a range of tools and features to make your experience one to remember. People will remember the presentation you delivered because it will be colorful, on topic, and filled with rich multi-media experiences on every slide.


]]> 2018-11-28T21:48:49-08:00 2024-04-06T02:11:47-07:00 How to Save Microsoft Word Documents as PDF and Other Formats Rick Akura več

Creating Microsoft Word documents is easy when you own a powerful software suite such as MS Office. You’re able to open the program up, choose to create a new or edit an existing document and get to work. Then, when you’re finished, you’re left to save it in the format of your choice. This allows people to view the document on a number of devices and by opening different programs.

Getting Started

To start, you’ll need to own a copy of authentic Microsoft Office software. You’ll then want to create a ‘New’ or ‘Open’ an existing document that you can edit. Once you’re done creating the document, adding to it or omitting text, you’ll want to proofread it for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

You do this by going to ‘Review’ at the top of the ribbon and selecting ‘Spelling & Grammar’. Word will then make suggestions for the words it doesn’t recognize. You have the option to change them or ‘Add to Dictionary’ which keeps the spellcheck from triggering every time Word sees the term you’re using.

To save the document as a PDF, you’ll need to take the following steps:

  1. First, choose ‘File’ then ‘Export’.

    This allows you to change the document format from the standard one you use ordinarily.
  2. Next, select ‘Create PDF/XPS’.

    Word now knows what format you prefer for this particular document.
  3. Last but not least, select ‘Publish’.

    This published the document in PDF format which you’ll see when you search for the file name. It will read .PDF versus .DOC or .DOCX.

To save the document in another format, you’ll need to do this instead;

  1. Select ‘File’ and ‘Export’.

    It’s the same first step as before.
  2. Next, choose ‘Change File Type’.

    You’ll be prompted to choose the file type you’re wanting to save the document as.
  3. Choose ‘Save As’.

    This allows you to name the file and select where it will be stored.
  4. Name the file and select ‘Save’.

    Remember where you saved the file to and what you name it so you’re able to retrieve it quickly and easily.

You don’t have to save a Word document in standard format. There are a number of options for you to choose from. By saving it in different formats, you’re able to accommodate readers on a range of devices or using different software versions than you.

Keep in mind that Microsoft Office comes in different versions to meet user needs. You won’t have a document that other people can’t open when you save it as a PDF or basic .DOC file. They’ll just need to have whatever it is they need to read the document on their computer, laptop or mobile device.

What Makes a PDF Ideal for Some Documents?

More often than not, you’ll be asked to save a Word document as a PDF or another format. Now that you’re aware of how to do that, you’ll be able to complete the task with ease. If someone requests that the document be in PDF format, you’ll be able to deliver what they asked for without great difficultly. Publishing items as PDFs allows you to create a readable format that is perfect for mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.

Where to Get Authentic Microsoft Office Software

So, you’ve probably seen places that advertise free Microsoft software. The problem with not paying for the programs you download and use is this. It’s likely filled with viruses that steal personal information and destroy your hard drive. Even if it isn’t malicious in nature, it’s a bootleg copy that someone is giving away illegally.

You’ll want to buy software that is guaranteed and advertised as authentic. Microsoft is one place to purchase MS Office software and apps. Software Keep is another.

Offering authentic Microsoft products available for digital download for Mac and PC, the software and apps that we sell are heavily discounted. Best of all, you don’t have to search everywhere for a copy of MS Office 2010 when we have our products neatly organized on our website.

Don’t Risk Your Computer and Personal Information with Iffy Software

You’re able to purchase and download your products immediately. That means saving documents as PDFs and other formats is something you’re able to do right away. You won’t risk infecting your computer by taking a chance on a third party software site with free downloads.

]]> 2018-11-28T08:00:00-08:00 2024-03-04T01:22:56-08:00 The Problem with Downloading Free Microsoft Office Software and Apps Rick Akura več

Although tempting, free software and app downloads come with a big risk. It’s how computers and mobile devices get infected with viruses and how personal information breaches occur. If you don’t want your sensitive data falling into the wrong hands, avoid free software download sites at all costs. Think about how the risk is greater than the reward.

You Don’t Get Legitimate Customer Support with Free Downloads

Paid software and app downloads entitle you to customer support. If you skip the expense of buying these items and your hardware gets damaged in the process, you’re on your own. Few manufacturers cover this type of liability with their warranties and guarantees.

When you download genuine Microsoft Office products, and something goes wrong, you can access a team of skilled professionals ready and able to help you with the problem that you’re having.

Software Keeps Takes Your Online Safety and Security Seriously

Before you fall victim to the lure of free Microsoft Office software and apps, know that Software Keep takes your online safety and security very seriously. The products we offer are authentic and unlocked with a registration key.

They’re significantly less than other online retailers and can be digitally downloaded once your purchase is confirmed. You get access to the full software suite of programs, tools, and features so you can begin working on your next project, no matter what that may be.

Get Certified Microsoft Office Software and Apps at Lower Prices

When you buy MS Office software and apps from Software Keep, you get the same quality products that you would receive from Microsoft. The best part of buying from us is that all of our products are digital.

You won’t have to wait in line to make a physical purchase or wait days for your software to arrive in the mail.

Follow the instructions in the Email You Receive From Us

After you’ve paid for MS Office, you’ll receive emailed instructions on how to download and access your favorite programs, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. You’ll be able to start on whatever project it is that you need to complete at the moment.

Office is designed with personal, professional, and academic projects in mind.

Free Software is Often Infected with Viruses

Infected software destroys computers. It gives cyber attackers access to your personal information. This includes physical and email addresses as well as credit and debit card numbers in many cases.

If you value your safety and security online, you’ll want to make purchases through secured websites that can encrypt your private information.

Why You’re Safe Buying From Us

SoftwareKeep takes the precautions necessary to protect you from cyberattacks. We’re on the list of Google Trusted Stores, protected by Norton by Symantec, a Microsoft Certified Partner, and have a series of protocols in place to keep your personal information private.

You do not have the luxury of that when you download free software from an unsecured website. The information that you provide could very well be used by cyber attackers to infect your computer or compromise your bank account or credit cards.

Software is Available for Mac or PC

Get Microsoft Office for Mac or PC. The choices that best meet your needs are available from Software Keep. Get access to around-the-clock support every day of the year. We provide technical support, too, to help you work past any obstacles you’re having with MS Office software or apps. This allows you to move on quickly and complete the projects of your choice efficiently.

Choose the Version of Office That You’re Most Comfortable Using

Download Student Microsoft Office or Office 365. Having options is one of the many reasons why people keep coming back to Software Keep for software and apps. They know they can get the latest copies of authentic Microsoft products without the risk of malware or another type of security compromises.

If you have any questions about Software Keep’s guarantees or group discounts, let us know. We’re committed to providing you with the time and attention you deserve. Your satisfaction is our number one priority. It’s what sets us apart from other retailers.

]]> 2018-11-28T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:15:26-07:00 Real Time Co-Authoring Enabled in MS Excel Rick Akura več

Office Insiders have been given access to Microsoft’s co-authoring feature in Excel for desktops. An avatar pops up in the app, alerting users that another person is working on a document.

Collaborating on projects has never been easier than it is today, thanks to co-authoring options within MS Office.

Although it is currently in the beta stage, it will eventually be released to the public as a feature.

Office Insiders can test the feature, report on its usage, and help it improve it before Microsoft makes it a part of its popular software suite. The opportunity to shape the future of MS products draws people to the free Insiders program.

Fast Ring, Slow Ring, What Does It Mean?

Many people sign up for the Fast Ring because they want immediate access to the latest offerings from Microsoft. Others prefer the Slow Ring because they want to deal with a better, less buggy version of the tool or feature.

The Office Insiders program is something you may want to look into if you have MS Office installed on your computer, as it allows you to get an insider view of all the latest updates the software manufacturer has to offer.

To join Office Insiders on any platform, you’ll need either a Windows 10 PC, a Mac or an iOS or Android device. Each offers different steps to walk through so make sure you decide which option works best for you.

Once you’ve signed up to be an Insider, you’ll then be asked which Ring you want to be a part of which determines when you’ll have access to updates. Again, this is a matter of preference because if you expect some bugs, you won’t mind being part of the Fast Ring.

The Benefits of Collaboration

There are several benefits that come with collaboration. The first is the tremendous amount of time you save by doing so. When you delegate specific parts of a task to other people, you can see them working while you do so you don’t have to rearrange your schedule to assist them.

You can work together in real-time and answer questions as you go. Your time isn’t divided between tasks which is great for productivity. You and your team can focus on what needs to get done so that you can stay on deadline on all of your projects.

Running ideas by one another takes seconds to do because you’re both online and can jump on a quick chat or Skype call to work things out. When people complete what they were working on for the day, you can see them sign out. That lets you know what colleagues remain working beside you.

It also allows you to see what work has been completed so you know whether or not you need to realign roles in the projects. You may ask someone who has done most of his or her work to help out with other tasks once they’re finished. This helps you reach the common goal of completion faster.

Software Keep Offers Selection, Great Prices, and Excellent Support

Get more use out of MS Excel’s features by staying on top of updates. You’ll find that each new tool offered provides you with options that increase ease and productivity. A digital download of Microsoft Office awaits you at Software Keep.

Choose the version of Office that meets your needs. You’ll find our selection incredible and our prices outstanding. Get the customer and technical support that you require, too.

We provide assistance 24/7 and very few companies claim to do this. Just let us know how we can help you get the most use out of the software you buy from us. Your satisfaction is our number one priority!

Watch for an Email from Us with Information About How to Download Your Software

When you’re ready to make your decision, simply place the items of your choice in your shopping cart and pay for them. Within minutes, you’ll receive confirmation of your purchase and detailed instructions on downloading the software.

You’ll then be able to install it on the computer of your choice, Mac or PC, given that you meet software requirements as stated in the product description.

]]> 2018-11-28T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:16:29-07:00 How to Create Your Own Printable Calendar in Microsoft Word Rick Akura več

So, you need a custom calendar, but you don’t want to spend much money buying one. How do you keep track of all the things you have to do throughout the week without glancing at your computer, phone, or tablet all the time?

A wall calendar would serve you best, but you don’t know any retailer that sells one that starts in the middle of the year.

Downloadable Templates Make Microsoft Word Even More Valuable

Lucky for you, there’s a way you can create your own calendar using Microsoft Word. As long as you have a copy of MS Office for Mac or PC available, you’ll have no trouble accessing one of the templates that come with the program. If you prefer creating one from scratch, that option also exists for you to utilize.

What You Need to Do to Start Creating Your Own Calendar

You must first open the program to create your own editable and printable calendar in Word. Then, select the template you want to work with. If you’re creating the calendar from scratch, you’ll want to open a new blank document.

To edit a template, scroll through the Calendar category and select Single Page. You’ll want to double-click on the thumbnail of the calendar you want to use. Once you’ve done that, make sure to click the Create button and wait for the template to load.

You’ll then find the text box and change the month name to the month you want to start creating. You can then select the text in the text box to change the size, style, and color of the selected font. Choose the days of the week and change their font style.

You can then modify the different squares that make up the days of the month. To do this, click a cell on the table grid. Click on Table Move and decide how to customize it with Borders or Borders and Shading.

If you want to change the graphic, click on it and press Delete. You can then Insert a Picture from the file manager. If you want to create a separate page for each month of the year, click outside of the calendar and press Ctrl-V eleven times.

You’ll then be able to customize each page the way you did the first. Make sure to go to File and Save before closing out of your calendar. That way, you’ll have a hard copy that you can edit and print anytime.

Become Better Organized with Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office offers options that simplify your life, help you become better organized, and do fast work out of difficult tasks.

The idea behind the software suite is to increase productivity while lessening the burden of menial tasks on you. Spark your creativity by exploring all the different programs and features that make up the popular software suite.

When you have your schedule in order, you lessen the likelihood of forgetting an important event or appointment. It’s great to be able to access your calendar from a mobile device but it’s also important to have a hard copy on hand that you can see and review often.

Once you’ve learned how to create your own calendars in Word, you’ll always make new ones.

Get Your Own Copy of Office for Mac or PC Right Away

SoftwareKeep offers the latest version of Microsoft and Windows software as a quick digital download. As soon as you’ve paid for your purchase, you’ll receive an email from us with instructions on downloading and installing it. We offer MS Office for Macs and PCs as a convenience to you.

That way, you’ll have nothing getting in the way of creating custom calendars throughout the year. You can update them as often as you need to by saving a hard copy of each month you’ve created. You can also print as many copies as necessary to hand out to whomever you choose.

Take advantage of significant savings by buying your Microsoft software.

We offer a price match guarantee where we’ll beat competitor prices on the exact same software. If saving money and increasing productivity is your ultimate goals, you’ll find Software Keep to be a valuable resource for everything Office-related that you need.

]]> 2018-11-28T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:18:09-07:00 Build Your Contact List with Ease Thanks to Microsoft and Nimble Rick Akura več

Build your contact list with ease. Thanks to Microsoft and Nimble’s Smart Contacts App, you can. The freemium add-in is provided to Office 365 subscribers and Outlook desktop users. Rather than rely on Excel to build spreadsheets containing customer information, the app does it for you.

It also creates live profiles of people and companies that email you, social opportunities that may interest you, and appointments you need to put on your calendar.

Like everything else, Microsoft offers, the partnership with Nimble was created to save Office users time by maximizing productivity. Think about how much time is wasted when you’re forced to Google every person you want to stay in contact with.

You don’t have to open ten browser windows, so you can scour LinkedIn, Twitter or the web for phone numbers and email addresses.

Nimble does it for you. It allows you to focus on connecting with your contacts rather than spend hours determining who they should be. Best of all, you don’t have to leave the program you’re in (Office 365 or Outlook). Nimble simply glean the information from your inbox for you.

What to Expect from Nimble’s Smart Contacts App

Here are some of the things you can expect while using the Smart Contacts App:

Social Contact Profile Matching

This feature provides contact and company insights. That way, you can easily find the people you want to stay in touch with. You won’t have to search long and hard for information because the app captures who you’ve been in contact with and area businesses that may interest you.

Contact Insights

Contact information for each person that emails you. You don’t have to look for all the details, such as their personal biography or work experience, because the app does it for you.

Company Insights

Get to know companies more intimately by seeing the industry they work in, how many employees they have, the year they were founded, the current CEO’s name, their addresses, and their phone numbers.

Engagement Tracking and Reporting

This option allows you to follow up with your contacts by sending schedule reminders. Ultimately, this feature allows you to stay on top of tasks by seeing who has completed theirs and who still needs to finish what they’re working on.

There are many reasons why you’ll find Nimble’s app ideal to work with. Office 365 users get the add-in for free. However, outlook desktop and Outlook iOS users are required to pay extra for the app. It will be available to Microsoft users in the next few months.

Software Keep’s Low Prices and Customer Support are Outstanding

Software Keep offers authentic Microsoft Office products at prices that impress. In addition to our price match guarantee, we regularly have sales where you get even more discounts on your favorite software and apps. When you buy products from us, you’re getting more than a digital download. You’re getting excellent customer service and technical support, too!

How often have you called in for help and been turned away because a company didn’t offer technical support for the software it sold? We never tell you to contact Microsoft. Instead, we work to solve your problem, so you can use Office, Windows, or one of the many apps we sell.

100% Satisfaction with Our Products and People is Our Ultimate Goal

Our ultimate goal is to ensure you’re 100% satisfied with your purchase. We go the distance to ensure this happens. If you have a question not answered by our FAQ page, contact us by phone or email for assistance.

Download a digital copy of Office or Windows today and save yourself time and money. Don’t wait for the delivery man to bring your software to you. Get access to its programs, tools, and features right now while your ideas are still fresh.

You’ll have access to what you need to bring your thoughts to life. Give them some personality in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Outlook. You’ve got the freedom to express yourself and build a contact list that is seen as enviable to others.

]]> 2018-11-28T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:18:44-07:00 Software Keep Makes Saving Money on Microsoft Software Effortless Rick Akura več

In today’s world, a penny saved is definitely a penny earned. With the cost of living rising daily, it’s important to take advantage of good deals whenever possible. That makes Software Keep many people’s first choice for authentic Microsoft software and applications.

A Wide Selection to Choose from at Deep Discounted Prices

Not only do we offer authentic, discounted Microsoft Office products, but we also have applications and different versions of Windows to choose from. This allows you to get the software and apps you need to succeed at whatever you do.

Say you need a copy of MS Office 2016 for school. You’re not really in need of Outlook, but you’ll definitely use Word and OneNote. You can buy the Student version of Office and save big.

The version still does what you need it to do. It’s familiar and, therefore, easier to use. You’re acquainted with its tools and features so you know what the program can do.

The same goes for the Home and Professional versions of Office. If you’ve had experience using a particular software suite version, by all means, stick with what you know. You won’t have to spend much time learning the software's ins and outs.

You can simply download a digital copy of it and get to work on the task at hand. That means less stress and greater productivity. You can maximize your work day by simplifying the processes you use to complete tasks and projects.

Regular Updates Keep MS Office and Windows Working Efficiently

Microsoft software is made to be efficient. That’s why it’s regularly updated. Users of Office know that if there is a better way to do a task or complete a project, Microsoft will make it known.

The Microsoft Office Insider program lets users try out new updates before releasing them to the general public. By signing up as an Insider, you can shape Microsoft's history by helping it improve its products. User experience is something that the company focuses its attention on.

You provide valuable feedback to the company in exchange for access to an update before everyone else. If you’re the type who likes to try out tools and features before you’re 100% sold on them, the program will interest you.

Participants are given the option to be part of the Fast Ring or Slow Ring of Insiders. The Fast Ring is the group that gets to test an update before anyone else. Some bugs often need to be worked out, which is why some people prefer being part of the Slow Ring.

Slow Ring users get access to the update after most of the kinks have been worked out. That means a more pleasurable experience overall. The tool or feature works best after being tested and further developed.

Save Time and Money with Software from Software Keep

Software Keep makes saving money on Microsoft software effortless. In order to take advantage of deep discounts, you must visit our online storefront and choose the software suite or application of your choice. If you find that one of our competitors has the exact same product at a lower price, we’ll beat it by 5%.

You can also sign up for our online newsletter and take advantage of regular sales and promotions. That’s one of the benefits of becoming part of the Software Keep family. We take care of you first and foremost by providing you with authentic Microsoft products at affordable prices.

Software Keep treats its customers the way its employees like to be treated whenever they have a customer service experience. That’s why we go above and beyond to meet your needs and exceed the high expectations you have for us. We want to make you a lifetime customer, not someone who buys once and never returns to our website again.

Let us convince you why we’re the best place to buy authentic Microsoft software and applications. We’ll help you save bank by providing you with better prices and selection than other retailers. Save your money for something else that you need, like a vacation.

]]> 2018-11-28T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:19:54-07:00 How to choose Microsoft Office for Mac ? Sara Alsaqaf več

The Mac Software

Your Mac comes with certain pre-installed apps, which make your experience quite unique. Apple’s list of apps includes Safari for web browsing, Mail for email communication, Pages, Keynote and Numbers.

All the above are the equivalent to the Microsoft Office apps, which are also available for Mac users. How to choose the right office for your needs? Follow our guide and you will be an expert when you are done!

Which Microsoft Office Suite is the most suitable for you? Learn more by choosing from the four following options:

1. Office 365 Home, which will cost you 99.99$ per year or 9.99$ per month.

  • You get fully installed Office applications for 5 users, which are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher (PC only) and Access (PC only).
  • This office subscription is perfect for a big household since up to 5 family members or friends each receive 1TB cloud storage and 60 monthly Skype minutes.
  • Office 365 Home functions on all of your devices. For that price, you can install on up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets, and 5 phones.
  • Furthermore, it includes ongoing access to updates of office applications and extra OneDrive storage for up to 5 users.
  • The rest of your installs can be shared with your friends or family. Alternatively, you can use the same Microsoft account to install Office on your other computers. The steps to install are the same for all 5 users.
  • Compatible with Mac OS X 10.10. All languages included.

2. Office 365 Personal, for the price of 69.99$ per year, or 6.99$ per month.

  • For this price, you receive a fully installed Office for PC/Mac. However, you can only install on 1 PC or Mac, 1 tablet, and 1 phone.
  • You also get 1TB of OneDrive cloud storage, which is only also available for 1 user. Best for individuals.
  • Includes always-up-to-date Office applications, which is perfect since you will never have to worry about old versions.
  • You also get OneDrive storage for 1 user.
  • Compatible with Mac OS X 10.10. All languages included. Also includes 60 monthly Skype minutes for 1 user.

3. Office Home & Student 2016 for Mac costs 149.99$ and gets you installed applications for 1 Mac.

  • For this one-time purchase, you get Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. And voilà your fully installed office for 1 Mac.
  • Compatibility with Mac OS X 10.10.
  • All languages included. Office 2016 for Mac is great for the latest Mac features, such as Retina display, full-screen view support, and even scroll bounce.

4. Office Home & Business 2016 for Mac costs 299.00$

  • This Office option will get you the fully installed versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote for 1 Mac user.
  • It also allows you to store files in the cloud with OneDrive.
  • Compatible with Mac OS X 10.10.
  • All languages included.
  • This office is designed for users with business purposes. Except for the basic applications, it gives its users the advantage of Outlook for email, calendars, and contacts.

* Please note that for a one-time purchase of Office 2016 such as Office Home & Student, Office Home & Business, or Office Professional: You can install Office on only one computer. Nevertheless, you can transfer Office 2016 to the next computer you purchase or another device you own.

What is the difference between office 365 plans and Office 2016?

Office 365 will get you fully installed with all of the Office applications. Moreover, it includes extra cloud storage with OneDrive and Skype minutes. Another advantage is that Office 365 plans offer both monthly and annual subscriptions. Regular updates are included as part of your subscription.

Office 2016 suites, such as Office Home & Student and Home & Business, only come with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.

They are available as a one-time purchase and for use on only one PC or Mac. However, the applications are not automatically updated. To get the latest version, you must purchase Office again once the new version is released.

* Your Mac requires a certain amount of free disk space to complete the Office installation. Take a look at the requirements to install Office on a Mac:

  • Intel processor, Operating system: Mac OS X 10.10 or later
  • iOS: Office for iPad and iPhone requires iOS 8.0 or later. Office for iPad Pro requires iOS 9.0 or later.
  • Memory: 4GB RAM
  • Required Hard Disk Space: 6GB HFS+ hard disk format
  • Required Display resolution: 1280 x 800.
  • Graphics Hardware Acceleration requires a DirectX 10 graphics card.

In our opinion, choosing Office for Mac is a life-changing experience regarding your everyday office needs. If you are already used to the practicality of Apple’s devices, you will love how well-integrated this Office suite is.

Once you have followed our guides and gotten your hands on Office for Mac, nothing is left for us except to congratulate you on joining perhaps the best side of both worlds!

]]> 2018-11-28T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:24:51-07:00 Drawing in Microsoft Word is Easier Than You Thought Rick Akura več

Embrace your artistic side with Microsoft Office 2016. The multi-functional word processing program has a tab specifically for drawing, highlighting, and marking up documents. If you’ve been wanting to express your inner Picasso, you’ll have fun exploring all the different tools available in Word.

Here is what you can do with the Draw tab in Office 2016:


Choose ink, shapes, and text areas with this option. This allows you to work on one area of a document without disturbing the rest of the file. You can specify where you want to go on the screen to place the object you’re drawing or the text you’re writing there.

Draw with Touch

You can use your finger to draw if you have a touch-enabled device such as a laptop or tablet. This gives you greater control over the surface because you’re not forced to use a mouse.

Draw with Tools

This option lets you choose different tools to draw with. Options include pens and highlighters in various widths and colors. You can differentiate between text and illustration areas through line weight and color.

Add New Tools

If you have more than one go-to tool that you want to use, you can add it to your workspace for easy access. You’ll see it in the tool window and then be able to select it when you need it.

Erase Areas of Work

If you’ve drawn something you’re not pleased with, you can easily erase it. The eraser tool is great for novices and experts because it allows you to refine your drawings to make them as professional as possible.

Convert Drawings to Shapes

You can choose this option if you want to draw a shape and have it appear perfectly. For precise examples, this option is a valuable resource.

Think about all the times you wanted to illustrate a point visually but couldn’t find the right way to do it. Now, you can with Word 2016. Just choose the drawing instrument of your choice and get to work making lines.

It’s as easy as that. You can use your finger if you have a touchscreen-enabled device or your mouse. If you make a mistake, erase it, and start over again. You’re in control, meaning you have complete creative license over your creation.

New Ink Choices on the Horizon for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

The latest preview offered to Microsoft Office Insiders with Windows PCs gave users more ink options. In addition to gold and silver, Insiders could choose rainbow, galaxy, lava, and ocean. Imagine the possibilities these new inks bring to your documents.

Convey a feeling with word art in these colors. You’ll have no problem impressing others with your files. If you’re not an Office Insider, you’ll have to wait until the new option is released to the general public.

Find the Version of Office That Works Best for You

Software Keep has every version of Microsoft Office 2016 you’d want. From Home to Student to Professional options, you can easily transform blank documents into spectacular works of art. If adding a drawing to your files benefits readers, do it! You got the tools you need so all you have to do is supply the imagination.

A digital download of your favorite MS Office 2016 product gives you access to drawing, designing, and layout tools. You can create more than a simple text-filled document. You can customize templates to create full-color brochures, newsletters, e-books, reports, and more!

We aren’t like other companies who send you to Microsoft whenever you have a problem with the software that you buy from us. Instead, we work with you to devise a solution that benefits you. If for some reason, we can’t help you get the software to work on your computer, we’ll refund your money.

Around-the-clock support, along with low prices, is what sets us apart from other companies selling Microsoft software and applications. When you buy from us, you’re getting much more than a product you’ll use at home, work or school. You’re building a relationship with a trusted retailer who is willing to help you solve your productivity challenges in every way that we can.

]]> 2018-11-27T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:18:51-07:00 How Microsoft Office Can Ease the Transition from Home to School Rick Akura več

August is fast approaching, and you’ll soon be going away to school. You won’t have access to your family’s computer and copy of Microsoft Office once you’re away. That’s why it’s time to download it onto your new Mac or PC laptop.

You’ll have the software on hand whenever you need it most. Your college program will likely require you to do a lot of work on the computer. Rather than hope for the best, once you get to school, you’ll arrive at campus prepared to take on the new semester successfully.

Prepare in Advance for the Upcoming School Year

Here are some of the ways that Microsoft Office can ease the transition from home to school:

By making you better prepared to apply for jobs while in school.

Microsoft Word provides you with templates that you can use to update your cover letter and resume. Just personalize it with your own details, save it, and print it as often as needed. You can customize your cover letter to fit each position you apply for by saving the document as a template and renaming it each time you change it.

By helping you stay in touch with family and friends.

Outlook, Office’s email client, allows you to send and receive emails easily. You can stay in touch with family and friends back home and still have a way to communicate with your professors and classmates at school. You can save important emails by dropping them into folders, too. If there’s a date you need to remember, you can add it to your calendar within Outlook so you don’t forget it.

By allowing you to take creative notes.

OneNote allows you to capture your ideas better than you’ve ever could get them down before. You can type, handwrite, doodle, and share your notes with classmates. You’re able to take notes that make sense to you.

By helping you properly format papers.

Set up margins, determine how much spacing you need, and add titles, subtitles, and headers to your document. You’ll have no problem turning in papers your professors find easy to read and grade.

By giving your slideshow presentations that extra oomph.

Add media in the form of photos, graphics, charts, tables, and music. You don’t have to give a boring presentation. You can make yours stand out so you’re able to captivate your audience.

Office provides you with freedom and flexibility to get your schoolwork done fast. The list offers just a sample of what you can do with the programs you gain access to with purchase of MS Office. There is so much more you can learn to do through the help of video and written tutorials.

Download a Digital Copy Now in Preparation of Your Move into the Dorms

Now that you’re getting ready to go back to school, you’ll be prepared by having Microsoft Office already downloaded to your computer or laptop. When you move into the dorms, you’ll have one less thing to worry about. All the papers you’ll be responsible for writing and turning in will be done easily, thanks to the productivity tools that make up MS Word.

Skip the Line at the College Bookstore

Download a digital copy of the popular software suite today and avoid standing in line at the campus bookstore to buy Office. Within minutes of paying for your purchase, you’ll receive an email from Software Keep telling you what to do next. You’ll download and install the software to your PC or Mac and receive instant access to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote.

Be a Master at Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office for Students is the powerhouse tool you need to master your school projects this year. You’ll be able to get things done in half the time because you can work in your spare time on your own computer rather than wait around for the school library or computer lab to open.

Give Yourself the Gift of Productivity

Give yourself the gift of productivity this school year. Software Keep provides customer and technical support. Let us know if you run into any issues while downloading or using your software. We’ll help you overcome any challenges you have with MS Office immediately.

]]> 2018-11-27T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:19:41-07:00 What Microsoft Office’s Teen Champions Want You to Know About the Software Rick Akura več

Microsoft Office’s latest teen champions are the cream of the crop. They know the ins and outs of the popular software suite like they know Facebook, Instagram, TikToka, and more. The teen phenoms lend their knowledge of all things Microsoft to help others succeed the way they have with programs such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Proof That They Know Their Stuff

Competitors had to recreate documents in the application they’re certified in to prove that they have the knowledge and skills to be deemed a champion. Not knowing what the task entailed meant that they had to learn everything they could about the application just in case one of its more obscure tools or features was included in the championship.

Tips to Help You Master MS Office

Microsoft Office’s teen champions from the past want you to know the following about the software they mastered:


Conditional formatting is the go-to tool for Excel 2016 champ John Dumolin and Excel 2014 champ Anirudh Narayanan. Being able to visualize the different characteristics of data through fill and text colors as well as mini-graphs helps tremendously. Rather than lay out rows and rows of information, you’re able to emphasize which is the most important and differentiate between them.


PowerPoint 2016 champion, Dheya Madhani, suggests selecting multiple items at once with the Selection pane. It can be found under the Arrange dropdown menu. It allows you to find items that are otherwise obscured by other text or design elements.


Forrest Liu, the 2013 Word champ, offers the following advice for selecting multiple bodies of text. Hold the CTRL key and highlight the text. This keeps you from going sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph to highlight the text you need.

Knowing tips and tricks can help you master Office faster. Thanks to these teen whizzes, you’ll have a much easier time doing so now that you know what you can do in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. Continue to build your skill set by exploring all the different options available with MS Office.

The more you practice with the different tools and features you’ve learned about, the more proficient you’ll get at using them. You’ll have no problem completing tasks quickly and efficiently because you’ll have the knowledge it takes to approach each project like a person who knows exactly what he or she is doing. You’ll make use of the timesaving features offered by Office regularly.

Innovative and Accessible Software for All Ages

Microsoft Office is versatile. It offers programs, tools, and features that can be accessed and used in many ways. This year’s teen champs demonstrated this with their innovative uses of the software suite’s different programs. They surpassed everyday use of Office and show the world how extraordinary the software truly is.

A Digital Download Provides You with the Tools You Need to Succeed

Brush up on your skills by downloading MS Office from Software Keep today. A digital copy of the software suite provides you with immediate access to your favorite programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Once downloaded and installed on your Mac or PC, the software provides you with the ability to complete detailed tasks quickly and successfully.

Be as masterful at using Office as the teens mentioned here. You’ve got the software and the time. Now, it’s up to you to put your new knowledge to the test.

Challenge yourself to become a Microsoft Office whiz. Put the insider advice to good use. If teenagers can do it with practice, you can, too! Think about how much easier it is to complete tasks in a hurry when you know better ways of doing things inside of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

Don’t Hesitate to Reach Out to Us When You Need Help

Let us know what we can do to make using MS Office easier for you. We’re here to assist you with your request and to guide you through the installation process. Once you have your software set up, you’ll be ready to take on the world.

Well, at least your world, that is. You’ll be able to whittle down that To Do List in a matter of no time. That means time for you to enjoy to yourself and with your family.

]]> 2018-11-27T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:24:10-07:00 A Toolbar for Office 365 is Microsoft’s Newest App for Mac Rick Akura več

Microsoft’s new My Workspace menu bar for Mac makes it easy to place Skype calls, access your iCloud calendar, open OneDrive files, and view pinned documents. Non-obtrusive, the new development for Office 365 sits in the system tray until you’re ready to use it. If being able to access the tools you use most matters to you, you’ll be happy to use My Workspace regularly.

Adding Value to a Person’s Day

Garage Team interns in Vancouver created the menu bar as a way to “add value to a person’s day.” Any application or tool that streamlines multiple tasks or makes them viewable in one convenient location is ideal. It saves people time and energy because they don’t have to open multiple apps to gain access to the things they need to view daily.

Microsoft Creates Products That Save Time and Increase Productivity

Microsoft Office programs and applications are full of time-saving tools and features. That’s why so many people depend on the software suite to do personal, professional, and academic things.

In a world where efficiency is rewarded, it only makes sense to have the tools on hand that make that possible. Having a computer with a high-speed internet connection saves you valuable time accessing and loading web pages. Hardware with a fast processor allows programs to load quickly so you’re not sitting around waiting to get started on your work.

The same type of logic can be applied to Microsoft’s software and apps. They’re designed to increase productivity by simplifying complex tasks, providing shortcuts, and allowing you to fine-tune, edit, and save your work. That’s why they’re tested by real life users like you before any developments are shared with the public.

If issues cause users strife, feedback is shared with developers so the product can be improved. That’s what makes Microsoft products excellent in every way because you influence them, the user. Regular updates increase accessibility while focusing on productivity.

Efficiency is the Key to Greater Productivity

Make Microsoft work better for your Mac. After all, you want to be as efficient as possible, right? You can be a digital download from Software Keep. We make buying, downloading, and installing authentic Microsoft software and applications quick, easy, and affordable for our customers.

Start familiarizing yourself with the new Office 365 toolbar. Gain knowledge about time-saving tools and features today by visiting our blog regularly for the latest news from Microsoft. Doing so enables you to accomplish so much more in less time.

You’ll have the knowledge and skills needed to excel at whatever you’re trying to accomplish. For example, suppose you’re creating a company newsletter for the first time. In that case, you’ll benefit from spending time reading tutorials and exploring the different tools available in programs such as Word and apps such as Publisher. This allows you to see how each tool works in response to the things that you are trying to accomplish within the file.

Software Keep is Ready to Answer Your Questions About Microsoft Software

Microsoft continuously improves its software offerings to make them more accessible and productive. If you have questions about any of our products, feel free to consult our FAQ page for additional information. If you’d rather speak to a company representative directly, that option exists as well.

Low-Cost Software That Software Keep guarantees

Software Keep offers low-cost software that is guaranteed. If you want more than a discount, shop our website and gain access to our knowledgeable customer support team. We take care of our customers so Microsoft doesn’t need to.

If you have questions about a specific version of Office or need assistance downloading and installing your purchase, let us know. We offer round-the-clock customer service as a convenience for you. We want you to be able to use the software and applications that you purchase from us with ease.

That’s why we’re willing to make ourselves available to you day or night to make the experience positive. We hope you’ll sign up for our newsletter and tell everyone you know about us and our great prices on authentic Microsoft products.

]]> 2018-11-27T00:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:18:02-07:00 Microsoft Office 365 Centralized Deployment Gives Admins More Control Rick Akura več

Admins now have greater control over office add-ins with Microsoft Office 365 Centralized Deployment.

With hundreds of options available, the sky is the limit where productivity is concerned. Admins take into consideration the role that each employee plays and what add-ins enhance their experience by making them better capable of doing their job faster.

Centralized Deployment Emphasizes Efficiency and Productivity

Fulfilling the needs of every employee is a tall order for even the most skilled enterprise administrator. That’s why Microsoft made Office 365 Centralized Deployment available to all Office 365 admins starting this month.

With an emphasis on efficiency and productivity, it allows individuals, teams, departments, and companies to maximize the resources they have during working hours by increasing their opportunities to get tasks and projects done quickly and successfully using the tools they have on hand.

Admins Have a Choice in How They Deploy Add-Ins

The power to deploy add-ins is available through the Office 365 Admin Center or PowerShell scripts, whichever option is preferable.

In order for admins to access this feature, they must have a recent and updated version of Office as well as an OAuth enabled version of Exchange.

The requirements website provides immediate answers to whether an enterprise Office deployment is compatible with centralized deployment.

The advantages of this new option include a better employee experience overall and greater efficiency. Think about how annoying it is for every department and team to have the same add-ins on their computers when half won’t even use them.

By making the user experience personal, you avoid the headaches that come with adding and removing add-ins based on employee needs.

Microsoft is Committed to Delivering Excellence Worldwide

Microsoft is highly regarded worldwide for its commitment to making tasks easier and more efficient for its customers.

Options such as Centralized Deployment exist to reduce the amount of strain that comes with overseeing an entire enterprise’s need for specific add-ins. It makes the task effortless which is greatly appreciated and enjoyed.

Regular updates to software and applications ensure that they are accessible and relevant. MS users have busy schedules and need to get tasks done quickly and successfully.

Microsoft keeps this in mind, so they go the lengths they do to test out new updates prior to releasing them to the public.

Like us, they want to make sure that your experience is outstanding. We agree with Microsoft’s way of thinking. When you’re completely satisfied with something, you share your experience with your family members and friends.

It’s how you let others know about products and services you find outstanding. We want to keep this high level of service so that we’re always worthy of your recommendations. If we can help you in any way, please let us know.

We offer support 24/7. If you encounter any problems downloading or installing MS Office, we’re available to help. You don’t have to contact Microsoft to do that for you because we will. We go the extra mile to make sure that you get the treatment you deserve.

Receive Outstanding Service and Support from Software Keep

Software Keep remains one of the top online retailers selling authentic Microsoft Office products at a discount.

The level of service our customers receive is outstanding. Not only do we price match identical products, but we also provide purchasing and technical support for our customers. You don’t have to go to Microsoft for answers because we’re available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

To learn more about the different software options that we sell, visit our online storefront. You’ll find some of our most frequently asked questions on our FAQ page. As always, we encourage you to contact us whenever the need arises as we may be able to answer your question better with a greater explanation.

Gain more control over the add-ins and features that you use regularly. Microsoft makes it possible for you to do the things you need to do with great speed and accuracy.

A digital download from Software Keep provides you with instant access to everything that makes Microsoft Office excellent. You don’t have to wait to get started when you buy a digital copy of MS software from us.

]]> 2018-11-26T08:00:00-08:00 2024-03-19T05:49:18-07:00 5 Features Offered by PowerPoint 2016 That Make Life Easier Rick Akura več

This article is about Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 and how it can make you more productive.


Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most popular presentation software programs. To keep up with the competition. Microsoft knows that they need to stay on top of their game.

So, if you’re looking for some great Microsoft PowerPoint features to learn and take advantage of, continue reading!

PowerPoint 2016 Features to Improve your productivity

In PowerPoint 2016, Microsoft has added many new features that will make your life easier and more productive.

We picked the 5 best to take your PowerPoint efficiency to the next level. These features help you create better presentations in a fraction of the time it takes in previous versions.

Exciting features await you in PowerPoint 2016!

If you’re looking for a way to make your presentations stand out, look no further than PowerPoint 2016.

With its powerful yet easy-to-use features and simple user interface that can be adjusted according to any skill level of users; this software is perfect!

You'll have help with not just in doing typical tasks like creating slideshows or basic drawings, but also more creative options such as designing impressive transitions between images/videos to engage viewers.

The possibilities of what you can create with PowerPoint are endless. Whether it's a business presentation or an academic assignment, the software has your back.

Of course, there is more than just great design coming from this powerful app — all sorts of helpful features exist within its walls including some truly amazing tools. Let’s review the five best ones.

PowerPoint features designed to increase your productivity

Almost everyone has to make presentations at least once in their lives, but not everyone is good at them.

For those people who are struggling with PowerPoint 2016 or finding it difficult to use, here are 5 features that will help you be more productive and less frustrated.

1. PowerPoint Design Ideas

PowerPoint Designer, also known as Design Ideas, is a feature made to help anyone that needs to present information in an appealing way.

It allows you the power of choice when it comes down to what type and style in visuals will best suit your message.

The designer tool helps give presentations their own unique flair which makes them all feel more personal — not just another boring "here are the facts" speech from someone who isn't really interested or invested at heart.

PowerPoint Designer can create slides made of different typefaces, colors, and layouts depending on how serious or goofy one wants things to get. The best part is that it’s fully customizable at any point in production.

Change colors and pick different fonts easily without having to go through each and every element yourself.

2. Cinematic motion with Morph

With the new Morph feature, you can create smooth transitions and animations across slides in your presentation. To use this effect successfully, you need one or more similar objects on each of those slides before the transition begins animating.

PowerPoint will generate an automatic, smooth transition to really nail that movement on-screen.

It's easier than ever to include details like animations: just select any desired object (shapes, photos, etc.) then go under the Transitions > Animations tab.

Find "Morph Transition" there — and voila! — the animation is done without wasting any time.

3. Zoom transition

Slideshows and presentations don’t need to be monotonous or dreary. Instead, they should be exciting and dynamic, sometimes without a defined path!

You usually move from slide to slide using the traditional PowerPoint presentation mode, but there are some new features that can help you make your presentations more inspiring.

With the new Zoom transition, you can jump between individual slides in moments of high impact.

It’s possible to show only certain parts of your presentation relevant at any given time — perfect when trying hard to sell an idea through details.

With three zooming options available, you’re able to choose the one that best fits your needs:

  • The Summary Zoom creates an outline of all slides in order and showcases them on a table for easy reference while viewing or editing as needed.

  • Section Preview lets audiences see what part will be covered next, which can come before previously discussed material at any point during presentation time through chapter markers.

  • The final option is Slide Viewer which allows users quick access between individual slides rather than jumping around each individual slide itself.

Choose between, or mix and match the three different Zoom options to get the perfect flow for your presentation. No restrictions, just perfectly unique and engaging presentations.

4. Presenter view

Presenter View in PowerPoint 2016 is a great way to efficiently prepare for your next big presentation.

When you enter this view mode, you’ll see what slide is on screen, the upcoming slides, as well as your speaker notes. This view makes sure there are no surprises when you’re in front of your audience!

You can review all aspects of your presentation to prepare ahead of time by using Presenter View — perfect if something about giving speeches or presentations has always intimidated you.

Knowing where everything fits into place during delivery-style delivery will ease your anxiety. Focus on getting your point across in an engaging and impactful way instead of worrying about what’s up ahead and what else needs to be said.

5. Collaborative tools with Microsoft 365

There are many benefits and extra features to PowerPoint 2016 if you choose to subscribe to Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365).

The biggest one is how Microsoft has brought collaboration to a whole new level. You can now share your presentations on PowerPoint with others through OneDrive and collaborate in real time, without needing to meet in person or constantly exchange files!

The Activity Pane makes it easy for everyone working together to keep track — whether they’re sitting next to you or across the globe — to see what changes each collaborator makes at any point.

Buy PowerPoint 2016 to take advantage of it today

PowerPoint 2016 is a great program for anyone looking to be more efficient with their presentations. You can easily create professional-looking slides, import images and video clips from the web, or use our suggested layouts.

The 5 features in this article are designed to help you work smarter and get your ideas across faster than ever before.

Want to learn how you can maximize these benefits even more? Call SoftwareKeep today! Our team of experts have been working on Office programs since they were first created. We’d love to talk about which suite will fit best with your needs, so let us know what questions you have and we’ll do everything possible to answer them for you.

Have a question?

Sign up for our newsletter to get the best possible price on all products! We regularly offer exclusive promotions, deals and discounts to our email subscribers, which all come right in your inbox.

Keep Learning

» What is the PowerPoint Design Ideas Tool and How to Use it
» Top 10 PowerPoint Tips and Hacks You Need to Know
» 7 Tips to Improve Your Next PowerPoint Presentation

]]> 2018-11-26T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:18:58-07:00 5 MS Visio Tips and Tricks You Should Know About Rick Akura več

If you’ve ever used MS Visio, you know that it’s an amazing app for creating diagrams and it’s undoubtedly among the top diagramming apps.

It’s versatile and offers many tools and functions for creating top-notch diagrams and flowcharts for many different purposes.

That said, there are some tools and tricks you probably didn’t know about, even if you’ve been using Visio for a long time. I’ve worked on that tool for some years now and understand it better than most people, which allows me to know its tricky sides and be able to give tips to all kinds of users!

Here are 5 nifty tips and tricks to help you use MS Visio and make your work more pleasant, fast, and enjoyable.

#1: Draw Your Own Shapes

That’s right - you can draw anything you like and add it to your flowchart or diagram! Using the 2013 version of Visio, you can find the drawing tools next to the Pointer Tool on the Ribbon. When you click on the little arrow, a drop-down menu will show up, and you can pick the shape you want to draw.

You can choose from: rectangles, ellipses, lines, freeform, acs, and pencils. Just click on one of them and start drawing different shapes. You can also combine shapes to make more complex ones.

With the pencil tool, you have complete freedom when it comes to your drawing so you can create intricate, one-of-a-kind shapes to suit your needs.

#2: Save your Stencils

Let’s say you’ve created a shape, a label, or a drawing that you want to use later, but it’s not a part of the default stencils that Visio offers.

You don’t need to try to recreate it every time you need it because Visio allows you to save it and use it every time you need it.

All you need to do is go to the left toolbar, then to “More shapes,” and click on “New Stencil”. After that, just drag and drop the shape you’ve created into the empty space in the toolbar, right-click on the stencil and click on “Save as...” to rename and save it. And there you go! You have just added your custom stencil to the Visio library for later use.

#3: Edit Text Easily

Editing text in apps not specifically for text editing can be quite frustrating sometimes, especially when you have tried everything but can’t find the text editing tools.

There is a simple way of doing that in MS Visio, requiring just a few clicks. If you have added text to a shape and want to edit it, simply click on the shape and press the F2 button on the keyboard. Simple as that!

This command will show the editing tools, so you won’t have to go through numerous tabs and menus to find them. And when you’re ready to customize the text, you must press “Esc” to exit the text editing mode.

#4: Add Different Types of Files

MS Visio allows you to copy anything from other MS Office apps and paste it as it is. It is a great function if you want to incorporate a part of an Excel table or diagram into your Visio flowchart.

You don’t have to go through the process of manually drawing a table and filling it in again in Visio. Copy it from your Excel file and paste it into your Visio file.

You can also insert images into your diagram or flowchart and edit them with various editing tools. You can crop the images, resize them, rotate them, fix the brightness and contrast, and incorporate them into the shape of your diagram, so if you need to move the shape, it moves along with the image it contains.

#5: Shortcuts For Faster Work

When it comes to using any type of software, one thing you need to know is that there is always an easier and faster way to do things.

That’s the case with MS Visio as well: I have found many shortcuts to help you get to the commands and tools you need without having to go through numerous tabs and menus. Here is a list of some helpful keyboard shortcuts for your convenience:

  • Crtl+1 - switch to the default "selector" cursor
  • Ctrl+2 - select the text tool
  • Crtl+3 - go to connector lines
  • Easily copy and paste an object by holding Ctrl, clicking on it, and dragging it to a different place.
  • Hit Crtl+PageUp or PageDown to go between sheets in the same file.
  • To zoom in and out, press Ctrl and scroll up or down with the mouse.
  • Press Alt to go to the main toolbar at the top of the screen.
  • Press F3 to open the Format Shape task pane.
  • Press Tab to switch between shapes on the drawing page.
  • Press F1 to open the help window.

I hope you will find those tips and tricks helpful as they will become part of your routine when using MS Visio.

Remembering that the key to successful work is to be time-efficient and know tricks and tips that others don’t. This will always give you the edge in today’s competitive world!

Be sure to check out some additional help on How to Download and Install Visio onto your PC for easy installation support when you buy Microsoft Visio 2016, 2013 or 2010.

]]> 2018-11-26T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:28:36-07:00 Create Your Own Stunning Publications with Microsoft Publisher Calvince Nyawara več

Are you looking for user-friendly, affordable, and effective desktop publishing software? If you are, you’ve come to the right place. Microsoft Publisher is all that and more.

In fact, if you haven’t had a chance to work with the latest version of the application, you’ve got a lot to look forward to. Full of tools and features, it allows you to create high-end publications complete with photos and text.

Microsoft Publisher 2016 Has A Lot to Offer Its Users

Microsoft Publisher 2016 has many features that people love. Knowing what it can do helps you make the most out of the application. You’ll know what you can use it for and how to make your publications look outstanding.

Here are some of the things you can look forward to with Microsoft Publisher 2016:

Drag and drop photos until you’ve found the right one for your publication.

Import all your photos and then see which looks best on the pages you’re designing in Publisher. To add and remove photos, you drag and drop them into the page and adjust accordingly.

Give text, shapes, and pictures professional-looking effects.

Make different areas of your publication stand out with shadows, reflections, and OpenType features. They’re like the effects that you use in Office.

Search your online albums for inspiration.

Look through Facebook, Flickr, and other sites where you store photos. By saving them, you can add them to the document without taking up valuable space on your hard drive.

Use your photos as high-resolution backgrounds.

Microsoft states that your publications look polished and professional, with your photos as stunning backgrounds.

Mail merge and Mailings tab.

Use the tools you already know to personalize your mailings even more. Include photos and links in the cards, newsletters, and catalogs you send to your mailing list.

Publications share to the cloud automatically.

You don’t have to do anything extra to make this happen.

Photo printing.

Makes your photos and albums stand out. Create beautiful gifts to give year-round.

Email capabilities.

It doesn’t matter if you want to share a page or the entire publication with your address book. You can do so with ease.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons why you’d want to use Microsoft Publisher to create newsletters, brochures, catalogs, cards, and photo albums. It’s from a company you know and trust, Microsoft, and complete with many tools and features. You can use it at home, work, or school to create visually stunning publications.

Microsoft’s website gives users ideas on ways to use Publisher’s most basic functions. To create a new publication, add photos, or print, simply follow the steps outlined.

Software Keep Sells Authentic Microsoft Software and Applications

Create your own stunning publications with Microsoft Publisher. A digital download of the 2016 version of the application provides you with instant access to all its tools and features. Best of all, it qualifies for our money-back guarantee. If you have problems with the software, you can request a refund, and you won’t lose the money you paid for Publisher.

You’ll also save because we offer low prices on authentic Microsoft software and applications. Signing up for our newsletter alerts you to any special promotions or sales that we’re having. Stay on top of Software Keep news by checking our website and blog often.

When you purchase digital products from us, you get immediate access to them. You’re not forced to wait for the software to arrive by mail or go to the software store to buy it. If it’s midnight and you want to work on a project, you can.

Once you’ve got Publisher installed on your computer, you’ll be ready to work. It’s that easy. If you run into problems along the way, all you do is contact us for support.

We provide free customer and tech support. We never send you to Microsoft to troubleshoot. We’re here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 a year because we care about our customers and want you to continue buying from us whenever you need new software or applications.

]]> 2018-11-25T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:10:25-07:00 These Easy-to-Follow Tips Make Using Microsoft Word Effortless Calvince Nyawara več

If you’ve made the switch to Microsoft Office and aren’t sure how to use Word yet, you’re in luck.

You’ll find written and video tutorials throughout the internet. We’re even known to include step-by-step instructions on how to use the powerful word processing program in the blogs that we write.

Here, we give you some basic instructions on how to use Word to enhance your written communications.

User-Friendly Options Make Microsoft Products Stand Out

Microsoft has long been a favorite worldwide because of its easy-to-use software. Constantly improving upon current options, the company uses regular updates to build upon already developed software and apps. Many of these updates make Office more accessible for everyone.

Here are some easy-to-follow tips that make using Microsoft Word software effortless:

Change the default settings in your document.

Although you’re not able to do this with every setting you find in the word processing program, you are able to change the Font, Paragraph Spacing, Line Spacing, Margins, and Page Orientation. That means that you’ll have access to options that allow you to customize your word documents. If you want to emphasize certain areas of text with a different font, you’re able to switch between your choices with ease. You can also help determine the flow of the document by the placement of paragraph and line spaces. Help the reader see things the way that you do by creating a natural hierarchy on the page.

Add headers and footers.

If you want specific information to be at the top or bottom of every page of your document, you’ll want to set up a header and a footer. You’re given the option at the top of your word document. You’ll need to access the menu tab that reads ‘Insert’ then ‘Header’ or ‘Footer’. You’ll see the options that are available for each.

Put page numbers in a document.

You’ll want to put page numbers into documents that are lengthy. It’s especially important for books and manuals that are broken down into chapters. A table of contents helps present this information in a clear and concise way. To find the chapter that a person is interested in reading, they refer to the page number found in the table of contents. Page numbers help keep your ideas in order by allowing them to be referenced easily.

Create a margin that fits your document.

If you plan on binding or stapling your documents together, you’ll want to allow enough room to do so. That’s what makes setting custom margins important. It gives you the opportunity to keep pertinent information in the center of the page without losing details during the binding process. You’ll still have clear materials for people to read, but they won’t be loose papers that could get lost in the shuffle. Instead, they’ll have a spiral bound edge, saddle stitched edge or perfectly bound book or manual that is legible.

Practice Makes Perfect in Increasing Proficiency

Microsoft Office is a robust software suite designed with efficiency in mind. If you haven’t yet mastered using Word, learning tips like the ones mentioned in this blog are valuable. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the software and apps. You’ll find our blog full of ways to strengthen your personal, professional, and academic communications.

Purchase a Digital Download of MS Office Products Right Away

Get your hands on the latest version of MS Office. If you prefer using a version that you’re already familiar with, you’ll find products available for both Mac and PC. Looking for a professional version? Buy Microsoft Office Pro. Simply choose the one that is right for you and digitally download it. You’ll have access to your software right away.

Software Keep is available to answer any questions you might have about purchasing authentic Microsoft Office software and apps. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. We’re committed to your customer satisfaction and hope that you will tell your family and friends about us.


We offer a price match guarantee on the exact same items. This allows you to benefit financially from purchasing from us. We also have sales on products and offer group discounts on a regular basis so it’s important to sign up for our mailing list and to follow our blogs for updates.

One more thing

We’re glad you’re read this article/blog upto here :) Thank you for reading.

If you have a second, please share this article on your socials; someone else may benefit too.

Subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to read our future articles, reviews, and blog post right in your email inbox. We also offer deals, promotions, and updates on our products and share them via email. You won’t miss one.

Further Reading

» How to Print Black and White on Word (With Images)
» MS Word Hacks: 5 Word Functions You Never Knew Existed
» How to Edit Your Word Documents Faster
» 7 Microsoft Word Hacks You Need to Know in 2022
» MS Word Features: 20 Secret Functions Revealed
» How to Create a Hanging Indent in Microsoft Word

]]> 2018-11-25T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-03T13:02:41-07:00 Make Your College Budget Stretch Further with Software Keep Rick Akura več

If you’re off to school for the fall, you know what an expense it can be. That’s where having a budget comes in. It helps you get through the semester with ease.

Rather than pay full price for Microsoft Office or Windows 10, why not shop where you know you’ll get a discount? Software Keep sells authentic Microsoft products at deep discounted prices.

You’ll be able to stretch your college budget further thanks to the savings we provide our customers.

One Software Suite with Many Possibilities

Instead of relying on a diet of Ramen noodles, why not get one software suite that takes care of most of your academic needs? Office 2016 Student is among the most popular products we sell because of everything it can do for academics. Tackle that group project, twenty-page report or fundraiser with ease.

You’ll have access to tools such as PowerPoint Designer, which helps you determine the best layout for your slideshow presentations; tell Me What You Want to Do in Word, which lets you find the command you need instantly; and ways to add charts, notes, doodles, and insights in notebooks in OneNote. The work you turn in this school year will be outstanding because of the tools and features you now have access to as a Microsoft Office user.

Many possibilities come with working with Office regularly. The skills you acquire can help you seek employment with big-name companies or even start a small business. That’s yet another reason you’ll want to purchase a digital copy of Office 2016 Student and get acquainted with what it can do for you.

The More You Know, The More Hirable You Become

All about productivity, Office makes seemingly difficult tasks easier through shortcuts, tricks, and hacks. You’ll learn more about the software’s different tools and features by exploring the resources you find online and on our blog. Before you know it, you’ll be proficient in the different programs that make up MS Office.

Many employers seek candidates with very specific skills. Knowing how to work with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook increases your chances of getting a job with the employer of your choice after college. Consider every paper you write and every presentation you deliver this semester to practice for the future.

Desirable Microsoft Office skills vary from program to program but if you use them regularly, you should be good come graduation time. You’ll be ready to list your knowledge, experience, and education on your resume. That will help you get the attention you deserve as a graduate.

Use Microsoft Office to Launch Your Own Dorm Room Business

Some very successful business owners started their businesses while in college. You could literally launch yours from the comfort of your dorm room. Now that you have Microsoft Office downloaded, installed, and running, you’ll be able to market your great ideas.

Create brochures, business cards, letterhead, flyers, and even invoices using Word. You can customize each through the Design tab, which allows you to play around with background colors, fonts, borders, icons, photos, and more. Let everyone in town know what your business is all about by using the same software that you use for school.

That makes wise use of your investment. Microsoft products pay for themselves after you see how much you use them. They give you the most bang for your buck.

Software Keep Provides Discounts on Authentic Microsoft Software

Make your college budget stretch further with Software Keep. One software suite, such as Microsoft Office 2016 Student takes the place of multiple pieces of software.

You’ll have access to a powerhouse word processor, spreadsheet creator, note keeper, and slideshow maker. Any papers, graphs, charts, notes, and presentations you must do throughout the schoolyear can be made in Word, Excel, OneNote, and PowerPoint.

Best of all, we offer a price match guarantee on the exact same products you find through other retailers. We’ll beat their price so that you have another reason to shop with us, not them. Save your money for textbooks and pizza. We don’t even charge for technical support in the event you run into a problem with the Office software you downloaded to your Mac or PC.

]]> 2018-11-25T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-05T03:41:02-07:00 [9] Ways Microsoft Office Makes You More Organized Rick Akura več

Get a more organized lifestyle with Microsoft Office using the ways we've detailed in this article.

If your personal, professional or academic life needs organization, you’re not alone. Chronic disorganization sidelines a lot of people. It halts productivity and causes chaos.

you’re not organized, it’s harder to stay aware of your time constraints, time constraints, or even the budget you have set aside for your basic needs.

Today, you can learn how to use the Microsoft Office software suite to become more organized in all parts of your life. It doesn’t matter if you’re using Office for home or need it for professional reasons.

The suite can assist you in more ways than one.

Use Microsoft’s Apps for Home, Work or School

Thanks to Microsoft’s popular software suite, Microsoft Office 2019, you can get yourself organized in a few easy steps.

Once you’ve gotten used to Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook, you’ll find additional ways to utilize the programs. Organize your household, workplace, school projects or classroom with ease.

Whether you use the streamlined Home and Student edition, or the feature-packed Professional version, Office can help you stay organized.

The classic applications such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint are available universally across all versions. Windows 10 users also get free access to OneNote.

Get Your Affairs in Order Quickly

Here are nine ways that Microsoft Office makes you more organized all year round.

1. Excel - for your Budgeting Spreadsheet management

Who couldn’t benefit from seeing all their expenses add up on a regular basis? Use Microsoft Excel to keep track of bills and their due dates. You can track a variety of information about your finances, with fully customizable columns and formulas.

See how the money that you make is being spent each month by creating a budget that you can easily follow. Customize cells with new data without having to formulate everything again. By utilizing Excel, you’ll gain greater control of your finances when you see what’s going out as it compares to what is coming in.

Add the payment method, date and time, as well as notes regarding the purchase to know exactly where your money went. Budget your way to accumulate wealth or set aside disposable money. Make better financial choices to ensure you’re never spending too much during tough times.

2. Word - to Stay in Touch With Colleagues, Family, and Friends

Use Outlook to send emails, photos, and attachments to the people you interact with most. You can store their contact information in the email client and use the address book whenever you need to call them or send something to their physical address.

When using Office 365, you also get access to collaborative features. This gives you the opportunity to work together with your colleagues or classmates on documents, all in real-time. See the edits they make, chat inside the app, and create projects better than ever before.

3. Get a Head Start With Templates

Templates are included in most Office apps. They help you set up a project correctly without having to build it from scratch. This makes it easier to create a new project and teaches you about how the software works for future endeavors.

Download templates from the official Microsoft template website, or find some excellent Office templates in our Help Center.

4. Outlook - to Manage Your Calendar and Schedules

With Outlook, you get a built-in calendar to organize events and schedules. The initiative interface allows you to quickly add an upcoming event, like a doctor’s appointment or a project deadline, and then manage it with ease. Set up calendar reminders to ensure you never forget what’s ahead.

You can view your personal and professional calendars side-by-side to compare them and see where you have free time or where commitments overlap. You won’t commit to two things at once and you’ll even find opportunities to rest and relax.

The benefit of using a digital calendar as opposed to a physical one is the incredible accessibility. You’re able to see and edit your Outlook calendar wherever and whenever, from any compatible device.

5. Never Miss a Meeting

Similar to calendars, Outlook also helps you organize and remember your meetings. Start a meeting from Outlook, invite people, and remind everyone when they need to attend.

Outlook integrates with some of the most popular meeting tools, including Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business, and Zoom. If your team uses one or more of these apps, you have access to a seamless experience.

6. OneNote - Take Organized Notes

Whether you want to quickly jot down an idea or create organized notes for your work or school projects, OneNote is the right app to use. Create categories, folders, pages, and notes in an organized manner, use digital inking features to make your notes feel more natural and connected.

OneNote, as opposed to Word, was created specifically for taking notes. It’s streamlined and includes everything you need for an all-in-one digital notebook. Save your OneNote notes, edit them offline and online, and share them with others. You can even insert media such as images, videos, and links.

7. Microsoft To-Do - to Complete Your Tasks

Living a busy life? Make it easier with Microsoft To-Do. Set up tasks, complete with reminders, to feel more organized every day. You can add steps to each task to further expand on what you need to do.

To-Do can be used in a variety of ways, all at once. With task categories, you can separate work, life, and fun without having to switch to a different program. Your tasks can be accessed and modified from anywhere using a compatible device. You can even add a task or mark a previous task as completed on the go with Microsoft To-Do apps.

If needed, you can also email or print out your task lists to share them.

8. Follow-Up Reminders

Outlook allows you to add a follow-up reminder tag to the emails you send out. This means that a reminder will be added to the recipient’s task list to ensure they get back to you about your message.

This feature doesn’t only make your life easier, reducing the need for reaching out to others and bugging them about following up. It makes their lives much more convenient as well, knowing they don’t have to note down the follow-up themselves, as Outlook already took care of it.

A pro tip — make sure your recipients are fine with receiving this flag. Some people find it bothersome to deal with automatic tasks.

9. Tame Your Outlook Inbox

Emails are a huge part of professional life. You get emails from clients, your school, your workspace, and important apps you use. However, you also receive a lot of personal messages, newsletters, and junk mail. Luckily, Outlook has an automatic filter to create a focused inbox for you, only showing you the most important messages on launch.

Final Thoughts

Stay Organized With the Help of Softwarekeep

With SoftwareKeep, you’re not forced to wait around for software to arrive by mail. As soon as you complete our purchase through our site, you’ll receive an email from us with detailed instructions on how to install Office on your PC or Mac.

Get instant access to Microsoft Office for the best price on the market when you shop with SoftwareKeep.

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Our Help Center offers hundreds of guides to assist you if you’re in need of help regarding Microsoft Office. Return to us for more informative articles, or get in touch with our experts for immediate assistance.

Keep Learning 

» How to Install Microsoft Office Application: An Expert Guide
» Culture at Work: How Cross-Cultural Communication Drives Workplace Success
» 6 Benefits of Using a Standing Desk

]]> 2018-11-23T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-05T03:15:16-07:00 Beginners Guide To Using MS Visio [6 Step by Step] Rick Akura več

Create beautiful flowcharts, wireframes, floor plans, and more with Visio. Learn how to use Microsoft Visio with 6 easy tips and tricks from us.

Let's get started!

Admittedly, first times are always difficult and kind of confusing, especially if you’re new to the Microsoft Office interface. Even if you have used other apps from the same brand and you’re familiar with its look, Visio could still be a little hard to navigate.

But no worries! This beginner’s guide will be your assistant in figuring out the basics in Visio, so you can become fluent in using it in no time. Even if this is your first time using a diagram-creating app, you’re in the right place to get started.

What Exactly Is Microsoft Visio?

Microsoft Visio is a handy tool, designed to help you create versatile diagrams and flowcharts fit for all projects. No matter if you’re a teacher or an engineer, Visio has all the right tools, shapes, and functions to aid you in your projects. It’s easy to design and customize your own diagrams.

With an array of shapes and editing tools, templates, and themes, you got everything you need to get creative and make an outstanding project with a professional look. What we love about Visio is the cost-free icons and assets provided by Microsoft to create industry-standard, beautiful projects.

Microsoft Visio: Essential Beginner’s Guide (Step by Step)

This guide is written for all versions of Visio, including Microsoft 365 and standalone software. Learn how to get started with the app, and master the basic principles you’ll need when working with this Office tool.

Step 1. Get Started

get staretd

When you open Visio, you’ll be presented with different kinds of templates for different projects. You can set up a Basic Diagram, Basic Flowchart, Organization Chart, Detailed Network, Diagram, Workflow Diagram, Office Layout, Home Plan, and so on. All of those templates include specific tools and stencils related to the particular topic.

So, the first thing you have to do is to figure out if the diagram or flowchart you want to create is related to any of those topics. If it is, then all you have to do to get started is to click on the template. Visio will set up the workspace for you, and all it took was one click of the mouse.

You can even see more pre-built workspaces if you click on the More templates link. Still not satisfied? There are hundreds of free-to-use templates online for you to download and import into Visio. You can even create your own templates to use for future projects.

get started with visio

If you don’t see a template that is suitable for your needs, you can choose to start a Blank Drawing. This allows you to build your project from scratch with all different kinds of objects and shapes at your disposal.

Step 2. Set Up the Sheet

set up the visio sheet

Once you’ve chosen a template to work with, you will see a page with a blank sheet in the middle, a Ribbon menu on the top, and a toolbar with Shapes on the left. This is the basic interface of Visio.

If you want to change the shape or orientation of your sheet, just go to the Design tab, and then click on the Orientation tool that’s located on the Ribbon. Choose whether you want it to be in a portrait or in a landscape mode.

get started with visio

To change the size of the sheet, simply click on the Size tool and choose the size you want. You can also pick from industry-standard resolutions and sizes to ensure your work meets the requirements for your job.

Step 3. Start Drawing

start drawing

All you need to do to start creating your diagram or flowchart is to click on More shapes from the toolbar on the left and select the category you need. You can choose from the following categories: Business, Engineering, Flowchart, General, Maps and Floor Plans, Network, Schedule, Software, and Database.

Don’t be afraid to explore all the categories to find the perfect shape you need if you don’t find it in your main category! Start by choosing one of the shapes, click on it and then drag it to the blank sheet. You can place it wherever you like, resize it and rotate it.

Step 4. Connect Your Shapes

To connect the shapes you added to your project, click on the Connector tool from the Ribbon. You can typically find this in the Insert tab. With the tool selected, place the connectors wherever you wish.

connect the shapes

Depending on the Microsoft Visio version you’re using, the connectors may be under the drop-down menu called Shapes. You can easily adjust them, resize them and link them to different shapes.

Step 5. Add Text

add text to your drawing

The easiest way to add text into the shapes is to simply double-click on them and start typing. This way, the text you’ve typed becomes a part of the shape, so whenever you move the shape, the text moves with it. Press the Enter key to start a new line within the shape if necessary. To finish typing, just click off the shape.

Another way to add text is to use the Text tool located on the Ribbon. Click and drag on the sheet to create a text area and start typing. You can place the text inside or outside of the shapes and edit and format it with a variety of tools.

Step 6. Save Your Work

After working on your project or finishing it entirely, find the Save as… option in the File menu and save your document.

save your work in Visio


You have the option of saving your file in many different file formats. If you want to be able to open and edit your project later, you need to save it in “.vsdx” format. If you want to save it as a picture, choose either “.jpeg” or “.png”. You can also save it as a “.pdf” file, so it’s easier to upload it on the internet.

When your project is saved, you can share it with other people without any changes in the quality of the file. If you saved it as an editable document, others with the file can also access and make modifications to it, greatly enhancing teamwork.

Final Thoughts

With learning how to use this great app, you no longer have to ask someone else to help you set up a flowchart or a diagram. Being able to create projects yourself, you have complete control over the diagram from the get-go. Just use those steps as guidelines and don’t be afraid to explore all the options Microsoft Visio has to offer.

That wraps up the 6-step beginner guide to Microsoft Visio. We hope you were able to learn some new tips and tricks to use when working on your diagram projects. These steps will provide a great foundation for your Visio skills and ensure you can improve further and further in the future. Good luck!

Our Help Center offers hundreds of guides to assist you if you’re in need of further help. Return to us for more informative articles, or get in touch with our experts for immediate assistance.

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Keep Learning 

» What is Microsoft Visio? Everything you Need to Know
» Microsoft Visio: Complete Guide
» Microsoft Visio Version Comparison
» How To Download and Install Microsoft Visio
» Microsoft Visio: Everything you need to Know

]]> 2018-11-10T08:00:00-08:00 2024-04-06T02:19:34-07:00 How To Download and Install Microsoft Visio Rick Akura več

Microsoft Visio is a powerful and feature-rich app for creating diagrams and flowcharts fit for all types of occasions.

You can easily achieve professional results with MS Visio, as it offers many different tools and templates and an intuitive interface that even beginners can navigate through.

Downloading and installing the software is quite easy and does not differ from downloading and installing any other MS Office program. Here are the steps you must follow to download, install, and use Visio successfully.

Which version of Visio do you have?

First, you must find the MS Visio version that best suits your needs.

You can choose from:

  • Microsoft Visio Standard
  • Microsoft Visio Professional
  • Microsoft Visio Pro for Office 365.

The Standard version only includes the basics, so if you need more tools, templates, and shapes, the Professional version is the right choice for you.

Microsoft Visio Edition

The editions of Microsoft Visio are

  • Microsoft Visio 2003
  • Microsoft Visio 2010
  • Microsoft Visio 2013
  • Microsoft Visio 2016
  • Microsoft Visio 2019
  • Microsoft Visio 2021

Buy Microsoft Visio 2021 for more updated features that still feature the basics you know and love. Depending on your Windows version, you may have to go through different steps for downloading and installing MS Visio.

Only some versions of Microsoft Visio include the desktop app.

  • You can install and use the desktop app if you have Visio Plan 2 or a non-subscription version such as Visio Professional or Visio Standard 2021, 2019, 2016, or 2013.

  • If you have Visio Plan 1, the only way for you to access Visio is via the web app version. Select the Visio for the web tab below for information about accessing Visio this way.

Pros and Cons of Microsoft Visio

Before we proceed, let’s point out some Pros and cons of MS Visio.


  • Has a wide variety of diagramming shapes.
  • It's the market leader in diagramming software
  • The choice of every professional
  • Offers Cloud benefits
  • Easily downloadable and can be used as long as it is compatible with your device


  • Might come expensive
  • Doesn’t run on Mobile Devices

There are also a few different ways to download the app, and below, you can find the step-by-step download and installation processes for each of them.

Select the correct way to access and install Visio depending on your Microsoft Visio version.

Install Office 2013 - 2021

Install Visio (Visio Plan 2 or Visio Professional)

The steps below describe how to install the desktop app included with Visio Plan 2, and non-subscription versions of Visio Professional or Visio Standard 2021, 2019, 2016, or 2013.

If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 10/11, find the Software Center in the Start menu and locate the MS Visio app.

If you don’t see it, simply search for it in the search box. Then, after you’ve found the right MS Visio version for your needs, you must click “install” and follow the steps. The app will be installed on your computer, and you can start using it immediately.

Remember: A license must be associated with your Microsoft or work or school account to install Visio. Which account you use depends on which version of Visio you have.

Access Visio for the web

Another way to get the MS Visio app is to go to a web browser, then simply

  1. Navigate to Find the Visio app there and purchase it.
  2. Associate Visio with your account. If prompted to sign in: Click Sign In with an existing or new Microsoft Account and enter your product key.
  3. Once Visio is associated with your Microsoft account, you no longer need the product key. It will always be linked to your account, and you can re-download the app or manage your license from
  4. Click the Install Office apps drop-down button. Then, after you’ve found the right MS Visio version for your needs, all you need to do is click “install” if you have found it in the Software Center.
  5. Click Other install options.
  6. Select View Apps & Devices.
  7. Under My installs, next to the Visio label, click Install Visio.
  8. The installer will begin to download. Follow the prompts to run the downloaded file and install Visio.

If you have purchased it from the MS Office website, you will be sent an email with a link you have to click on. The link will open a custom Microsoft Office page where you have to register or sign in if you already have a Microsoft account.

After logging in, you have to go to the My Office Account page and simply select the product that you want to install, in this case - MS Visio. Then, just click install to begin installing Visio on your computer.

A pop-up window will appear in your browser, and depending on the browser you use, you have to click on Setup (for Chrome), Save File (for Firefox), or Run (for Internet Explorer). You may be asked where to save the app, so just pick a location folder or create a new one.

Once it’s installed, you can simply open the program and start using it! Be sure to check out some additional MS Visio Tips & Tricks once you’ve run through the initial setup and gotten familiar with some of the basic features.

How to Install Visio

  1. Depending on your browser, select Run (in Edge or Internet Explorer), Setup (in Chrome), or Save File (in Firefox).
  2. If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Select Yes.
  3. The installation begins.
  4. Your install is finished when you see the phrase, "You're all set! Visio is installed now," and an animation shows you where to find the Visio app on your computer.

Now, all you have to do is follow the instructions in the window to find Visio. For instance, depending on your version of Windows, select Start and then scroll to find Visio from your list of apps.

If you have purchased a product key card

You have to go to and sign up or sign in if you already have a Microsoft account. After that, type in your product key. Click on “I want to burn a disk” and download the file on the next page. Once it’s downloaded, open the saved folder and burn it to a disc.

If you don’t have a CD or a DVD disc, you can download a software solution for burning virtual CDs and DVDs. Right-click on the file you’ve downloaded and choose the option “Burn disc image.” After you’ve burned the file to a disc, in the folder that was created on the disc, you need to find the file called “setup,” right-click on it, and click on “Run as administrator.”

A new window will open, and you will be asked to agree to the Terms and Conditions before proceeding. After that, simply follow the steps for the installation. You may be asked to reboot your computer to finalize the installation when everything is done. After you restart your computer, you can start using your newly installed MS Visio app!

If you have subscribed to Office 365

You get to experience a free trial of the MS Visio app before committing to buying it. Just go to If you want to get the full version of the software, you need to go to the following page:

You will be asked to choose your language; then, you must click on the “install” button. A pop-up window will appear in your browser, and you have to click “Run” and then click “yes” to allow the installation to run.

The installation will happen in the background, and you will get a notification in the bottom right corner of your desktop. When the installation is done, your new MS Visio app will be ready for you to explore!

Add all this to Microsoft’s consistent and trustworthy reputation as a global software leader, you can easily choose Visio 2016 Professional edition as it is a perfect value-for-your-money tool that lets you create advanced diagrams, individually or with teams.

Read: Beginners Guide To Using MS Visio [6 Step by Step]

FAQ about Downloading and installing Visio

If your issue isn't listed here, please visit our help center to find more other information about installing Visio.

I don't have a product key for my one-time purchase of Visio

If you got Visio Professional or Standard through one of the following ways, you might not have a product key or associated account. See these steps instead to install your version of Visio.

  • Third-party seller: You bought Visio from a third party like SoftwareKeep, and you're having problems with the product key.
  • Microsoft HUP: You bought Visio for personal use through your company HUP benefit and have a product key; see Install Office through HUP (These steps apply to all stand-alone Office products purchased through HUP.)

  • Volume license versions: IT departments often use different methods to install volume license editions of Visio in their organizations. Talk to your IT department for help.

I don't see an option to install Visio; how can I Install it?

If you don't see the option to install Visio or if you selected Install Office from the home page and Office begins to download immediately, cancel that installation and do the following.

  1. From select Install Office and make sure to select the link Other install options.
  2. From the My Account page, select Apps & devices.
  3. Locate Visio from the list > choose your language > choose your PC's Bit version (the 64-bit or 32-bit) > select Install Visio. (If you have any other Office apps already installed, make sure to select the same bit version for your Visio installation).

Can I download Visio for free?

No. While Visio is not free, Microsoft allows computer owners to download a free trial version of the program. After you install Visio, you can enhance its core functionality by downloading third-party add-ins.

Is Visio included in Office 365?

Yes. But, Visio in Microsoft 365 brings core Visio capabilities to Microsoft 365 commercial subscribers at no additional cost. Create, edit, and share diagrams in Visio for the web or in Microsoft Teams as part of your Microsoft 365 subscription.

Microsoft Visio Pro for Office 365, available as a subscription through Microsoft Office 365, allows users to install Visio on up to five PCs running Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, or Windows 7.

You May Also Like

» What is Microsoft Visio? Everything you Need to Know
» Microsoft Visio: Complete Guide
» Microsoft Visio Version Comparison
» Microsoft Visio: Complete Guide
»Beginners Guide To Using MS Visio [6 Step by Step]
