Excel instellen als standaardtoepassing op Mac | Excel voor Mac

Leer hoe u Excel instelt als de standaardtoepassing op uw Mac, zodat u ervoor kunt zorgen dat Excel-bestanden standaard automatisch in Excel worden geopend.
Excel default app on Mac

If you're a Mac user who prefers working with Microsoft Office, setting Excel as the default app for opening spreadsheets can enhance your productivity. With Excel for Mac, you can seamlessly handle and manipulate your spreadsheet files.

In this article, we'll guide you through the process of making Excel the default application on your Mac. Whether you frequently use Excel or need compatibility with others who primarily use Excel, this step-by-step tutorial will help you streamline your workflow.

Say goodbye to manually selecting the app each time and enjoy the convenience of Excel automatically opening your spreadsheet files. Let's dive in and make Excel the go-to program for all your spreadsheet needs.

Table of Contents

  1. How to make Excel default on Mac
  2. How to open Numbers files with Excel
  3. Considerations when Exporting Numbers Files to Excel
  4. Pros and Cons of Opening Numbers Files in Excel
  5. Tips for Smoothly Working with Numbers Files in Excel
  6. FAQs
  7. Final Thoughts

What is Excel for Mac

Excel for Mac is the Mac-compatible version of Microsoft Excel, the popular spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft. It is designed specifically for Mac users, offering a wide range of features and functionalities for creating, analyzing, and managing spreadsheet data. 

Excel for Mac provides a familiar interface and tools similar to its Windows counterpart, allowing users to work seamlessly across different platforms. It supports various file formats, including .xlsx, .csv, and .xls, and enables users to perform complex calculations, create charts and graphs, utilize formulas and functions, and automate tasks with macros. 

Can you Use Excel on Mac

Yes, Excel can be used on Mac computers. Microsoft offers a dedicated version of Excel for Mac, ensuring full compatibility and functionality with the macOS operating system. 

Mac users can download and install Excel for Mac from the Microsoft website or through the Mac App Store. Excel for Mac provides a seamless and optimized experience, allowing users to leverage the power of Excel's features and capabilities on their Mac devices. 

How to Get Microsoft Excel on Mac

To get Microsoft Excel on your Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Visit softwarekeep.com.
  2. Search for "Excel for Mac" or navigate to the Excel product page.
  3. Click on the "Download" or "Get" button.
  4. If prompted, sign in with your Microsoft account or create a new one.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
  6. Once installed, you can launch Excel for Mac from the Applications folder or the Launchpad.

How to make Excel default on Mac

To make Excel the default application for opening spreadsheet files on your Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have a spreadsheet file in .xlsx format saved on your Mac.
  2. Right-click on the specific .xlsx file and choose "Get Info" from the context menu.
  3. In the Get Info window that appears, locate the section labeled "Open with:".
  4. Click on the dropdown menu next to "Open with:" and select "Microsoft Excel" from the list of available options. This will set Excel as the default application for opening this file type.
  5. To apply the change to all .xlsx files on your Mac, click the "Change All" button located just below the application selection dropdown. A confirmation dialog will appear asking if you want to change all similar documents to open with Excel. Click "Continue" to confirm.
  6. Close the Get Info window by clicking the red close button in the top-left corner or pressing Command + W.

To set Excel as the default program for opening other file formats, simply repeat these steps for each file type you want to associate with Excel.

Right-click on a file of that format, select "Get Info," choose Excel from the "Open with" dropdown, click "Change All," and confirm the changes.

How to open Numbers files with Excel

To open Numbers files with Excel, you can export the Numbers spreadsheet to a format compatible with Excel, such as .xlsx. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Numbers file you want to open in Excel.
  2. In the menu bar at the top of the screen, click on "File."
  3. From the dropdown menu, select "Export To" and then choose "Excel."
  4. A window will appear with export options. You can choose the desired options, such as including a summary worksheet or excluding hidden sheets. Once you've made your selections, click "Next."
  5. Choose a location to save the exported file and give it a name. Then click "Export."
  6. The Numbers file will be converted and saved in .xlsx format, which is compatible with Excel.
  7. Open Microsoft Excel on your Mac.
  8. In Excel, click on "File" in the menu bar, then select "Open."
  9. Locate the exported .xlsx file on your computer, select it, and click "Open."
  10. The Numbers file will now open in Microsoft Excel.

By following these steps, you can successfully open Numbers files with Excel by exporting them to the .xlsx format, allowing for seamless compatibility between the two spreadsheet applications.

Considerations when Exporting Numbers Files to Excel

When exporting and opening Numbers files in Excel, there are a few limitations and considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Formatting: While most basic formatting elements like text styles, colors, and cell borders are preserved during the export process, complex formatting and advanced features may not translate accurately between the two applications. It's essential to review and adjust formatting in Excel as needed.
  2. Formulas and Functions: Numbers and Excel use different formula syntax and may have variations in built-in functions. Complex formulas and functions may require manual adjustment or rewriting when opening in Excel.
    Verify and update formulas to ensure correct calculations.
  3. Charts and Graphs: Numbers offers unique chart styles and customization options. When exporting to Excel, some chart elements may be modified or not fully supported.
    Check and adjust the charts in Excel to maintain visual integrity.
  4. Conditional Formatting: Conditional formatting rules in Numbers may not transfer directly to Excel. It is recommended to recreate or modify conditional formatting rules in Excel after opening the file.
  5. Macros and Automation: Numbers does not support macros, and opening a Numbers file in Excel may result in the loss of any existing macros or automation. Consider recreating any necessary automation using Excel's built-in tools.
  6. Compatibility Issues: Versions of Numbers and Excel can affect compatibility. Ensure that you are using the latest versions of both applications to minimize any compatibility issues during the export and open process.
  7. Data Validation: Numbers and Excel may have differences in data validation rules and settings. Review and adjust data validation rules in Excel if necessary to maintain data integrity.

Pros and Cons of Opening Numbers Files in Excel

Advantages and disadvantages of using Excel to open Numbers files instead of utilizing Numbers itself include:


  1. Compatibility: Excel is widely used in business environments, and opening Numbers files in Excel ensures compatibility when sharing or collaborating with users who primarily use Excel.
  2. Familiarity: Many users are more accustomed to Excel's interface and features, making it easier to navigate and work with Numbers files in a familiar environment.
  3. Advanced Functionality: Excel offers extensive advanced functions, analysis tools, and add-ins that may be more robust than those available in Numbers, providing greater flexibility and capabilities for complex calculations and data analysis.
  4. Integration with Other Microsoft Products: If you frequently work with other Microsoft Office applications like Word or PowerPoint, using Excel for Numbers files allows for seamless integration and data sharing across these applications.


  1. Formatting and Compatibility Issues: Numbers has unique formatting options, styles, and features that may not be fully preserved or compatible when opening files in Excel, potentially leading to formatting discrepancies or loss of certain features.
  2. Learning Curve: Switching between software applications may require users to learn or adapt to Excel's different interface and functionalities, which can be time-consuming and less efficient if the majority of their work is within Numbers.
  3. Loss of Numbers-specific Features: Numbers offers specific features, such as live collaboration, interactive charts, and iCloud syncing, which may not be available or may require additional steps to replicate when working in Excel.
  4. File Conversion: Constantly exporting and converting files from Numbers to Excel introduces an extra step and potential for errors or data loss during the conversion process.

Tips for Smoothly Working with Numbers Files in Excel

Here are some best practices and tips for effectively working with Numbers files in Excel to ensure smooth compatibility and functionality:

  1. Save as .xlsx: When exporting a Numbers file for use in Excel, save it as .xlsx format to ensure maximum compatibility between the two applications.
  2. Review and Adjust Formatting: After opening the Numbers file in Excel, carefully review and adjust formatting elements such as fonts, cell sizes, and colors to maintain consistency and visual appeal.
  3. Validate Formulas and Functions: Check and validate formulas and functions used in the Numbers file in Excel. Verify that calculations produce accurate results and update any formulas with Excel-specific syntax or variations.
  4. Modify Charts and Graphs: Numbers and Excel may have different chart styles and customization options. Modify charts in Excel to replicate the intended visual representation from the Numbers file.
  5. Recreate Conditional Formatting: Since conditional formatting rules may not transfer directly, recreate or modify them in Excel to retain the desired formatting based on specific criteria.
  6. Test Data Validation: Ensure that data validation rules and settings are correctly applied in Excel to maintain data integrity and prevent input errors.
  7. Adjust Page Layout: Check and adjust page layout settings such as margins, headers, and footers to match the intended formatting and printing requirements.
  8. Regularly Update Software: Keep both Numbers and Excel up to date with the latest versions to minimize compatibility issues and take advantage of any improvements or bug fixes.


How do I change the default app on my Macbook?

To change the default app on your Macbook, follow these steps: right-click on the file you want to open with a different app, select "Get Info," expand the "Open with" section, choose the desired app from the dropdown menu, and click "Change All" to set it as the default app for all files of that type.

How do I change the default app to open files?

To change the default app to open files of a specific type, right-click on a file of that type, select "Get Info," expand the "Open with" section, choose the desired app from the dropdown menu, and click "Change All" to set it as the default app for all files of that type.

How do I remove Apple default apps from my Macbook?

Apple default apps cannot be fully removed from your Macbook, but you can hide them from your view by right-clicking on the app icon in the Applications folder or Launchpad, selecting "Move to Trash," and then emptying the Trash.

Can you delete default Apple apps?

Default Apple apps cannot be fully deleted from your Mac, but you can hide them from view by right-clicking on the app icon in the Applications folder or Launchpad, selecting "Move to Trash," and then emptying the Trash.

How do I remove default apps from Mac Dock?

To remove default apps from the Mac Dock, simply click and drag the app icon out of the Dock until you see the "Remove" or "Delete" label, then release the mouse button to remove it from the Dock.

Final Thoughts

Setting Excel as the default application for opening spreadsheet files on your Mac can greatly improve efficiency and streamline your workflow. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that Excel becomes the default program for opening spreadsheet files such as .xlsx on your Mac. 

This allows for seamless access to your files without the need to manually select Excel each time. Keep in mind that you can also apply these steps to set Excel as the default program for opening other file formats. 

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