Microsoft Software SQL Server 2022 Standard Core - 2 Core License box
SQL Server 2022 Standard Core – 2 Core licenc
1.404.000 Ft
QL Server 2022 Standard Core 2 Core licenccsomag Digitális letöltés Egész életen át tartó ügyfélszolgálat extra költség nélkül Kedvezményes ár Bemutatkozik az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core – a tökéletes adatbázis-megoldás bármilyen méretű vállalkozás számára! Élvonalbeli funkcióival az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core számos előnnyel rendelkezik, amelyek forradalmasítják az adatok kezelését és tárolását. Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core egyik legfontosabb előnye az adatvirtualizáció és az SQL Server 2022 Big Data Cluster funkciója, amely lehetővé teszi a nagy adatkészletek egyszerű kezelését és elemzését. Ez a funkció nagyobb betekintést nyújt az adatokba, és lehetővé teszi, hogy megalapozottabb döntéseket hozzon. Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core – 2 Core License néhány fő funkciója a következő: Továbbfejlesztett biztonság: Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core – 2 Core License olyan fejlett biztonsági funkciókat tartalmaz, mint például a Mindig titkosított, a dinamikus adatmaszkolás és a sorszintű biztonság, amelyek segítenek az adatok biztonságában mind nyugalmi állapotban, mind belső térben. tranzit. Továbbfejlesztett teljesítmény: Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core – 2 Core License teljesítményjavításokat tartalmaz, amelyek segítenek optimalizálni az adatbázis teljesítményét, beleértve a gyorsított tranzakciókat, a jobb párhuzamosságot és a gyorsabb adatlekérést. Megnövelt méretezhetőség: Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core – 2 Core License megnövelt skálázhatóságot kínál, lehetővé téve a vállalkozások számára, hogy könnyen kezeljenek nagy mennyiségű adatot. A szoftver példányonként akár 24 magot és példányonként akár 768 GB memóriát is képes méretezni. Továbbfejlesztett elemzés: Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core – 2 Core License továbbfejlesztett elemzési képességeket tartalmaz, beleértve a valós idejű elemzések végrehajtásának lehetőségét strukturált és strukturálatlan adatokon egyaránt. Speciális adatintegráció: Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core – 2 Core License fejlett adatintegrációs lehetőségeket kínál, beleértve a nagy adatátviteli megoldásokkal, például a Hadoop-pal való integráció lehetőségét, valamint az adattárház végrehajtásának lehetőségét. Egyszerűsített kezelés: Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core – 2 Core License továbbfejlesztett felügyeleti eszközöket kínál, így a rendszergazdák könnyebben kezelhetik és figyelhetik az adatbázisokat. Támogatja a felhőalapú telepítéseket is, lehetővé téve a vállalkozások számára, hogy könnyen telepítsenek és kezeljenek adatbázisokat a felhőben. Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core intelligens adatbázis funkciója biztosítja, hogy adatai biztonságban legyenek, és az adatbázis mindig a legjobb teljesítményt nyújtsa. A valós idejű elemzés és az automatikus hangolás révén ez a funkció segít megőrizni az adatbázis optimális teljesítményét, biztosítva, hogy vállalkozása zökkenőmentesen működjön. Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core Developer Experience funkciója célja, hogy segítse a fejlesztőket az alkalmazások egyszerű létrehozásában és üzembe helyezésében. Ez a funkció olyan eszközök és szolgáltatások átfogó készletét kínálja, amelyek megkönnyítik a fejlesztők számára az új alkalmazások létrehozását és integrálását a meglévő rendszerekkel. A mai világban az adatbiztonság a legfontosabb, és az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core küldetéskritikus biztonsági funkciója gondoskodik arról, hogy adatai mindenkor védve legyenek. Az olyan fejlett biztonsági funkciókkal, mint az adattitkosítás és a többtényezős hitelesítés, biztos lehet benne, hogy adatai biztonságban vannak az illetéktelen hozzáféréstől. A magas szintű rendelkezésre állás révén biztosíthatja, hogy adatbázisa mindig üzemben legyen és működjön.Ez a funkció többféle feladatátvételi lehetőséget biztosít, így biztosítva, hogy az adatbázis még hardver- vagy szoftverhiba esetén is online maradjon. Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core platform választási lehetőséget is kínál, lehetővé téve az adatbázis különböző platformokon való üzembe helyezését, beleértve a Windows, Linux és Docker konténereket. Ez a funkció biztosítja az adatbázis futtatásához szükséges rugalmasságot a választott platformon. A Setup Options segítségével egyszerűen telepítheti és konfigurálhatja adatbázisát. Ez a funkció egy egyszerű, áramvonalas beállítási folyamatot biztosít, amely megkönnyíti a gyors üzembe helyezést. Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core számos további szolgáltatást is tartalmaz, beleértve az SQL Server Machine Learning Services szolgáltatásait, az SQL Server Analysis Services szolgáltatásait, az SQL Server integrációs szolgáltatásokat, az SQL Server Master Data Services szolgáltatást és az SQL Server Reporting Services szolgáltatást. Ezek a szolgáltatások átfogó eszközöket biztosítanak az adatok kezeléséhez és elemzéséhez, megkönnyítve a megalapozott döntések meghozatalához szükséges információk megszerzését. Szóval mire vársz? Frissítsen az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core rendszerre még ma, és tapasztalja meg a tökéletes adatbázis-teljesítményt, biztonságot és rugalmasságot! Rendszerkövetelmények Az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core – 2 Core License rendszerkövetelményei a következők: Processzor: 64 bites processzor legalább 1,4 GHz-es sebességgel RAM: Legalább 2 GB Merevlemezterület: Legalább 6 GB szabad lemezterület Operációs rendszer: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019 vagy Windows Server 2016. Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server vagy Ubuntu rendszeren is futhat. Ne feledje, hogy ezek a követelmények a munkaterheléstől és a használati szokásoktól függően változhatnak. Javasoljuk, hogy tekintse át az SQL Server 2022 Standard Core – 2 Core License hivatalos dokumentációját, hogy megbizonyosodjon arról, hogy rendszere megfelel a minimális követelményeknek.
Microsoft Software Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard - License (w/ Software Assurance)
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard - License (w/ Software Assurance)
530.000 Ft
SQL Server 2022 Standard License Pack Lifetime customer support at no extra cost Software assurance included Discounted price Introducing SQL Server 2022 Standard License - the ultimate database solution for businesses of all sizes! With its cutting-edge features, SQL Server 2022 Standard offers many benefits that will revolutionize how you manage and store your data. One of the key benefits of SQL Server 2022 Standard is its Data Virtualization and SQL Server 2022 Big Data Clusters feature, which allows you to manage and analyze large datasets easily. This feature also provides greater insights into your data, enabling you to make better-informed decisions. This product, Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard—License (w/ Software Assurance), is a licensing package only. It does not include the SQL Server software. You must separately purchase Microsoft SQL Server 2022 for this license to be applicable. Some of the key features of Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard are as follows: Enhanced Security: SQL Server 2022 Standard includes advanced security features such as Always Encrypted, Dynamic Data Masking, and Row-Level Security, which help to secure data both at rest and in transit. Improved Performance: SQL Server 2022 Standard comes with performance improvements that help optimize database performance, including accelerated transactions, improved concurrency, and faster data retrieval. Increased Scalability: SQL Server 2022 Standard offers increased scalability, allowing businesses to handle large amounts of data easily. The software can scale up to 24 cores per instance and up to 768 GB of memory per instance. Enhanced Analytics: SQL Server 2022 Standard includes enhanced analytics capabilities, including the ability to perform real-time analytics on both structured and unstructured data. Advanced Data Integration: SQL Server 2022 Standard offers advanced data integration capabilities, including the ability to integrate with big data solutions such as Hadoop and the ability to perform data warehousing. Simplified Management: SQL Server 2022 Standard has improved management tools, making it easier for administrators to manage and monitor databases. It also includes support for cloud deployments, allowing businesses to deploy and manage databases in the cloud easily. The Intelligent Database feature of SQL Server 2022 Standard ensures that your data is secure and your database always performs at its best. With real-time analytics and automatic tuning, this feature will help you maintain your database's optimal performance, ensuring that your business runs smoothly. The Developer Experience feature of SQL Server 2022 Standard is designed to help developers easily build and deploy applications. This feature provides a comprehensive set of tools and services that make it easy for developers to create and integrate new applications with existing systems. In today's world, data security is a top priority, and SQL Server 2022 Standard's Mission-critical security feature ensures that your data is protected at all times. With advanced security features like data encryption and multi-factor authentication, you can rest assured that your data is safe from unauthorized access. With High Availability, you can ensure that your database is always up and running. This feature provides multiple failover options, ensuring that your database stays online even in the event of a hardware or software failure. SQL Server 2022 Standard also provides Platform Choice, allowing you to deploy your database on various platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Docker containers. This feature provides the flexibility you need to run your database on the platform of your choice. With Setup Options, you can easily deploy and configure your database. This feature provides a simple, streamlined setup process that makes it easy for you to get up and running in no time. SQL Server 2022 Standard also comes with various additional services, including SQL Server Machine Learning Services, SQL Server Analysis Services, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Master Data Services, and SQL Server Reporting Services. These services provide comprehensive tools for managing and analyzing your data, making it easy to get the insights you need to make informed decisions. So what are you waiting for? Upgrade to SQL Server 2022 Standard today and experience the ultimate database performance, security, and flexibility! System Requirements Please ensure you have the necessary software before purchasing this license. The system requirements for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard are as follows: Processor: 64-bit processor with at least 1.4 GHz speed RAM: At least 2 GB Hard Disk Space: At least 6 GB of available disk space Operating System: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2016. It can also run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, or Ubuntu. Note that these requirements may vary depending on the workload and usage patterns. To ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements, it is recommended that you review the official documentation for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard.
Microsoft Software Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance) box
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance)
2.118.300 Ft
SQL Server 2022 Standard Core 2 Core License Pack Lifetime customer support at no extra cost Discounted price Introducing SQL Server 2022 Standard Core - the ultimate database solution for businesses of all sizes! With its cutting-edge features, SQL Server 2022 Standard Core offers many benefits that will revolutionize how you manage and store your data. One of the key benefits of SQL Server 2022 Standard Core is its Data Virtualization and SQL Server 2022 Big Data Clusters feature, which allows you to manage and analyze large datasets easily. This feature also provides greater insights into your data, enabling you to make better-informed decisions. Some of the key features of SQL Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance) are as follows: Enhanced Security: SQL Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance) includes advanced security features such as Always Encrypted, Dynamic Data Masking, and Row-Level Security, which help to secure data both at rest and in transit. Improved Performance: SQL Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance) comes with performance improvements that help optimize database performance, including accelerated transactions, improved concurrency, and faster data retrieval. Increased Scalability: SQL Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance) offers increased scalability, allowing businesses to handle large amounts of data easily. The software can scale up to 24 cores per instance and up to 768 GB of memory per instance. Enhanced Analytics: SQL Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance) includes enhanced analytics capabilities, including the ability to perform real-time analytics on both structured and unstructured data. Advanced Data Integration: SQL Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance) offers advanced data integration capabilities, including the ability to integrate with big data solutions such as Hadoop and the ability to perform data warehousing. Simplified Management: SQL Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance) has improved management tools, making it easier for administrators to manage and monitor databases. It also includes support for cloud deployments, allowing businesses to deploy and manage databases in the cloud easily. The Intelligent Database feature of SQL Server 2022 Standard Core ensures that your data is secure and your database always performs at its best. With real-time analytics and automatic tuning, this feature will help you maintain your database's optimal performance, ensuring that your business runs smoothly. The Developer Experience feature of SQL Server 2022 Standard Core is designed to help developers easily build and deploy applications. This feature provides a comprehensive set of tools and services that make it easy for developers to create and integrate new applications with existing systems. In today's world, data security is a top priority, and SQL Server 2022 Standard Core's Mission-critical security feature ensures that your data is protected at all times. With advanced security features like data encryption and multi-factor authentication, you can rest assured that your data is safe from unauthorized access. With High Availability, you can ensure that your database is always up and running. This feature provides multiple failover options, ensuring that your database stays online even in the event of a hardware or software failure. SQL Server 2022 Standard Core also provides Platform Choice, allowing you to deploy your database on various platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Docker containers. This feature provides the flexibility you need to run your database on the platform of your choice. With Setup Options, you can easily deploy and configure your database. This feature provides a simple, streamlined setup process that makes it easy for you to get up and running in no time. SQL Server 2022 Standard Core also comes with various additional services, including SQL Server Machine Learning Services, SQL Server Analysis Services, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Master Data Services, and SQL Server Reporting Services. These services provide comprehensive tools for managing and analyzing your data, making it easy to get the insights you need to make informed decisions. So what are you waiting for? Upgrade to SQL Server 2022 Standard Core today and experience the ultimate database performance, security, and flexibility! System Requirements The system requirements for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance) are as follows: Processor: 64-bit processor with at least 1.4 GHz speed RAM: At least 2 GB Hard Disk Space: At least 6 GB of available disk space Operating System: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2016. It can also run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, or Ubuntu. Note that these requirements may vary depending on the workload and usage patterns. To ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements, it is recommended that you review the official documentation for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard—2 Core (w/ Software Assurance).
Microsoft Software Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core Download
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core Download
4.877.300 Ft
Unlock unparalleled performance and reliability with Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core Download. Designed for businesses that demand the highest levels of data management and analysis, this powerhouse solution delivers robust performance, enhanced security, and seamless scalability. Experience lightning-fast data processing and advanced analytics, ensuring your operations run smoothly and efficiently. With built-in security features and seamless scalability, SQL Server 2022 Enterprise empowers your business to thrive in today's competitive landscape. Not the SQL Server product you're looking for? Explore the SoftwareKeep store for more affordable Microsoft products, including SQL Server and Windows Server. Let us help you find the perfect server solution for your business! Features Invest in SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core and transform how you handle data. Propel your business with a solution that offers unmatched speed, security, and scalability. Don’t settle for less – upgrade today and experience the future of data management. Lightning-Fast Data Processing: Optimize your database performance with advanced data processing capabilities, ensuring quick access and analysis of your data. Enhanced Security: Protect your valuable information with built-in encryption, data masking, and threat detection to guard against unauthorized access and cyber threats. Seamless Scalability: Easily adapt your database infrastructure as your business grows, maintaining high performance without extensive overhauls. High Availability and Disaster Recovery: Minimize downtime with robust high availability solutions and disaster recovery options to keep your operations running smoothly. Advanced Analytics: Leverage powerful analytics tools to gain deeper insights into your data, helping you make informed business decisions. Comprehensive Data Management: Efficiently manage large and complex databases with features designed to streamline operations and enhance productivity. Flexible Licensing: The 2 Core licensing model offers flexibility, allowing you to scale your database operations according to your business needs. Take action now and elevate your data operations with Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise. Your business deserves the best. Order today and step into a new era of efficiency and security! System Requirements To ensure optimal performance, your environment should meet the following system requirements for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core: Operating System: Windows Server 2019 or later or a supported version of Linux. Processor: x64-compatible processor with a minimum speed of 2 GHz; 2 cores required. Memory: Minimum 4 GB of RAM; recommended 8 GB or more for better performance. Disk Space: Minimum of 6 GB of available hard disk space for installation; additional space required for database files and logs. Network: A Gigabit Ethernet connection is recommended for optimal network performance. .NET Framework: Version 4.8 or later. Additional Software: Internet Explorer 11 or later or a compatible web browser for certain features. Other Requirements: A dedicated SQL Server instance is recommended for best performance. Take action now and elevate your data operations with Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise. Your business deserves the best. Purchase today and step into a new era of efficiency and security!
Microsoft Software Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance)
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance)
8.124.500 Ft
Unlock unparalleled performance and reliability with Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core (w/ Software Assurance). Designed for businesses that demand the highest levels of data management and analysis, this powerhouse solution delivers robust performance, enhanced security, and seamless scalability. Experience lightning-fast data processing and advanced analytics, ensuring your operations run smoothly and efficiently. With built-in security features and seamless scalability, SQL Server 2022 Enterprise empowers your business to thrive in today's competitive landscape. Not the SQL Server product you're looking for? Explore the SoftwareKeep store for more affordable Microsoft products, including SQL Server and Windows Server. Let us help you find the perfect server solution for your business! Features Invest in SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core and transform how you handle data. Propel your business with a solution that offers unmatched speed, security, and scalability. Don’t settle for less – upgrade today and experience the future of data management. Lightning-Fast Data Processing: Optimize your database performance with advanced data processing capabilities, ensuring quick access and analysis of your data. Enhanced Security: Protect your valuable information with built-in encryption, data masking, and threat detection to guard against unauthorized access and cyber threats. Seamless Scalability: Easily adapt your database infrastructure as your business grows, maintaining high performance without extensive overhauls. High Availability and Disaster Recovery: Minimize downtime with robust high availability solutions and disaster recovery options to keep your operations running smoothly. Advanced Analytics: Leverage powerful analytics tools to gain deeper insights into your data, helping you make informed business decisions. Comprehensive Data Management: Efficiently manage large and complex databases with features designed to streamline operations and enhance productivity. Software Assurance: Benefit from continuous updates and expert support, ensuring your system remains up-to-date and optimized for peak performance. Flexible Licensing: The 2 Core licensing model offers flexibility, allowing you to scale your database operations according to your business needs. Take action now and elevate your data operations with Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise. Your business deserves the best. Order today and step into a new era of efficiency and security! System Requirements To ensure optimal performance, your environment should meet the following system requirements for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise - 2 Core: Operating System: Windows Server 2019 or later or a supported version of Linux. Processor: x64-compatible processor with a minimum speed of 2 GHz; 2 cores required. Memory: Minimum 4 GB of RAM; recommended 8 GB or more for better performance. Disk Space: Minimum of 6 GB of available hard disk space for installation; additional space required for database files and logs. Network: A Gigabit Ethernet connection is recommended for optimal network performance. .NET Framework: Version 4.8 or later. Additional Software: Internet Explorer 11 or later or a compatible web browser for certain features. Other Requirements: A dedicated SQL Server instance is recommended for best performance. Take action now and elevate your data operations with Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise. Your business deserves the best. Purchase today and step into a new era of efficiency and security!
Microsoft Software Microsoft SQL Server 2022 - 1 User Client Access License (CAL)
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 - 1 User Client Access License (CAL)
61.200 Ft
Experience the cutting-edge capabilities of Microsoft SQL Server 2022 with our 1 User Client Access License (CAL). This powerful license allows you to access the full suite of advanced database management tools, ensuring your data is managed precisely and securely. With enhanced performance features, seamless integration, and robust data analytics, SQL Server 2022 is designed to handle the demands of modern businesses. The 1 User CAL ensures that your team member can fully leverage the server's capabilities, integrating effortlessly with existing systems. Whether upgrading from a previous version or implementing SQL Server for the first time, expect smooth transitions and reduced downtime, all while maintaining high performance and reliability. By purchasing the Microsoft SQL Server 2022 - 1 User CAL, your organization ensures that individual users have the proper licensing to access and utilize the SQL Server, supporting both operational needs and compliance requirements. Features This User Client Access License (CAL) for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 is perfect for providing a single user with dedicated access to robust database management tools. Ideal for businesses looking to allocate resources efficiently, this CAL ensures that one team member can leverage the full capabilities of SQL Server 2022, optimizing performance and security for your operations. With this CAL, you can streamline your work processes, making you more productive and efficient: Single User Access: Enables one user to access the SQL Server, allowing full access to utilize the server's features. Cost-Effective Licensing: Ideal for businesses needing to grant access to a single user, offering a more affordable option compared to multiple-user licenses. Enhanced Data Security: This feature leverages SQL Server 2022's robust security features to protect sensitive data accessed by the licensed user. With this CAL, you can rest assured that your data is secure, giving you peace of mind in your database management. Advanced Analytics Tools: Allows the user to utilize SQL Server's integrated AI and analytics capabilities, turning data into actionable insights. Scalable Solution: Supports your growing business needs with a scalable and efficient licensing model. This 1 User CAL for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 is the perfect solution for businesses looking to provide a single team member with dedicated access to powerful database management tools, ensuring efficient, secure, and scalable data handling. System Requirements This is a Client Access License (CAL) for Microsoft SQL Server 2022. It is not the actual SQL Server software. The following system requirements pertain to the SQL Server 2022 software, which must be installed and configured separately. Processor: 64-bit processor with at least 1.4 GHz speed RAM: At least 2 GB Hard Disk Space: At least 6 GB of available disk space Operating System: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2016. It can also run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, or Ubuntu. Note that these requirements may vary depending on the workload and usage patterns. It's recommended that you review the official documentation for your SQL Server 2022 installation to ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements.
Microsoft Software Microsoft SQL Server 2022 - 1 Device Client Access License (CAL)
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 - 1 Device Client Access License (CAL)
71.000 Ft
Elevate your database management capabilities with the Microsoft SQL Server 2022 - 1 Device Client Access License (CAL). This CAL grants access to your SQL Server on a single device, enabling multiple users to utilize its powerful features on a shared device. Perfect for businesses with shared workstations, this licensing model simplifies management and maximizes your investment in SQL Server technology. With SQL Server 2022, you benefit from enhanced performance, robust security, and advanced analytics tools that help you gain actionable insights from your data. This license ensures that your device can fully leverage these capabilities, making it an essential addition to your IT infrastructure. Please note that this is a Client Access License and does not include the SQL Server 2022 software itself. You must purchase the SQL Server 2022 software separately to utilize this license. Visit the SoftwareKeep SQL Server collection for competitive prices and excellent service. Features The Microsoft SQL Server 2022 - 1 Device CAL is designed to allow a single device to connect to your SQL Server, facilitating efficient data access and management. This license is ideal for environments where multiple users share one device, ensuring they can all benefit from the powerful features of SQL Server 2022. With this CAL, you can streamline your work processes, making you more productive and efficient: Single Device Access: Enables one device to access the SQL Server, allowing multiple users on that device to utilize the server's features. Streamlined Licensing: Simplifies license management by providing access through a shared device rather than individual user licenses. Enhanced Data Security: This feature leverages SQL Server 2022's robust security features to protect sensitive data accessed through the licensed device. With this CAL, you can rest assured that your data is secure, giving you peace of mind in your database management. Advanced Analytics Tools: Allows the device to utilize SQL Server's integrated AI and analytics capabilities, turning data into actionable insights. Scalable Solution: Supports your growing business needs with a scalable and efficient licensing model. This CAL ensures that your device can tap into the full potential of SQL Server 2022, providing an efficient and secure way to manage data and gain insights. Ideal for shared workstations, it offers a cost-effective and streamlined approach to leveraging SQL Server's powerful features across your organization. System Requirements This is a Client Access License (CAL) for Microsoft SQL Server 2022. It is not the actual SQL Server software. The following system requirements pertain to the SQL Server 2022 software, which must be installed and configured separately. Processor: 64-bit processor with at least 1.4 GHz speed RAM: At least 2 GB Hard Disk Space: At least 6 GB of available disk space Operating System: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2016. It can also run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, or Ubuntu. Note that these requirements may vary depending on the workload and usage patterns. Reviewing the official documentation for your SQL Server 2022 installation is recommended to ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements.