How to Print Black and White on Word (With Images)

Learn how to print Microsoft Word documents in black and white more efficiently, to use your ink mindfully, and still get the document right.

Learn how to print Microsoft Word documents in black and white to print more efficiently. Use your ink mindfully and print your Word pages in full black and white. Changing the print mode to grayscale is a piece of cake — learn today by following our guide's steps.
Print Black and White on Word

Microsoft Word offers a wide variety of features and elements you can incorporate into your documents. This includes vector graphics, icons, images, and even digital inking. However, these elements may make it harder for you to print out pages, as they often require an array of colored ink, which you might not have on hand.

This article shows you how to ensure your document gets printed in black and white when using Word. You’ll never have to worry about wasting precious ink and even more valuable time on printing pages.

Steps to Print black and white on Word

Note: The instructions below were written for Word 2016 and newer. Some steps may vary depending on which version of Word you’re using if you have an older release.

  1. Launch Word. You can do this by locating where it is on your computer:
    1. Click on the Windows icon in the bottom left corner of your taskbar. Scroll down to the letter W, and open Word.
      Launch Word
    2. Alternatively, you can also use the search bar to open Word directly. Click on the Search icon in your taskbar and type in Word, then launch the matching result.
      Launch Word
    3. It’s possible that Word created a shortcut on your desktop. Look to see if you have a Word icon on your desktop, then double-click on it to launch the application.
      Launch Word
  2. Once you’re in Word, open a document you want to print out. If you don’t have one yet, make a new document using the blank template or a premade template from the startup screen.
  3. Edit and get your document into its finished form. Make sure you’re happy with the results and think it’s ready for printing. Review for typing errors and make sure every element is where you want it to be. Once you’ve printed your document, everything is permanent - unless you print it again.
  4. Once you’re done with your document, click on the File menu located in the top-left section of the screen, inside the Ribbon.
  5. Look at the menu on the left-hand side, then click on the Print button.
    Print Word
  6. Locate your printer in the right-side pane. Click on the Printer Properties link, which should be visible under your selected printer.
    Locate Printer properties

  7. A dialogue box should appear on your screen. This box is different for every user, depending on what printer you’re using, meaning that there are no exact steps we can give to turn grayscale printing on. However, the general process is as follows:
    1. Locate a tab focused on colors. This is usually separate from other printer properties, in a different tab from general settings. More often than not, these options will be located under a section or tab of the Printer Properties menu labeled “Color” or “Advanced.”
    2. Look for an option to print in Grayscale or Black & White. In most cases, this will be a checkbox you can tick.
    3. Once you’ve located the print in black and white option and successfully enabled it, click OK. Word will now print your pages in black and white.
  8. When you’re ready to start printing, click on the Print button on the top of your window. Your document should begin printing from your printer in black and white or grayscale.
    Print Word in Black and White

If you can’t successfully locate the print in black and white options, make sure to read your printer’s user manual or visit the manufacturer’s website for help. You may also find answers by searching online, in forums, or contacting customer service.

Final thoughts

If you need any further help, don’t be afraid to reach out to our customer service team, available 24/7 to assist you. Return to us for more informative articles all related to productivity and modern-day technology!

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