Excel Convert Table to Range and Vice Versa: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to easily convert Excel data to table format and range in a few simple steps. Improve your data organization and analysis with our guide.

Excel convert table to range is a fundamental skill for data organization and analysis. In this article, we'll guide you through converting an Excel table to a range and vice versa in a few easy steps.

Organizing your data is crucial for efficient analysis, and converting tables to ranges is an essential part of that process. Whether you're new to Excel or just looking to improve your skills, this guide will help you understand the basics of table and range conversion.

Read on to learn how Excel convert table to range and vice versa, and take your data organization and analysis skills to the next level.

convert table to range and vise versa

Understanding Excel tables and ranges

In Excel, a range is a group of selected cells defined by the reference of the top-left and bottom-right cells. It can be used to perform calculations or formatting on specific cells. 

For example:

If you want to add up a column of numbers, you would select the range of cells containing those numbers.

On the other hand, an Excel table is a structured and pre-formatted dynamic range of cells that has its own name. Excel tables make organizing and analyzing data easy by providing built-in features like filtering, sorting, and formulas. 

Tables also have predefined styles, which make them visually appealing and easy to read.

For instance:

Imagine you have a dataset of sales figures for different products. You can convert the range of cells containing this data into a table, automatically adding a filter dropdown to each column header, allowing you to filter the data by product, date, or any other column. 

Moreover, you can use table formulas like SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNTIF, which will automatically expand as you add more data.

Benefits of converting tables to ranges

Converting data into an Excel table provides many benefits:

  1. It allows you to manage and analyze related data more efficiently
  2. Make it easy to organize and format data, and they offer several features that help you work with data more effectively
  3. You can manage rows and columns of data independently from the data outside the table. 

This means you can sort and filter data within the table without affecting the data outside the table. This is useful when you have a large dataset that you want to analyze or when you need to sort or filter data by specific criteria.

For example:

Imagine a customer data table with names, addresses, and phone numbers. You can convert this range of data into an Excel table, allowing you to sort and filter the data by different columns, such as name or address. 

You can also apply formatting to the table, like bold or italic text, which will automatically update as you add or remove data.

Benefits of converting ranges to tables

Converting ranges to tables in Excel can bring many benefits:

  1. The always-visible header row makes it easy to see each column's content. 
  2. Banded rows and formatting help to distinguish one row from another and make the table easier to read.
  3. Sorting and filtering. You can sort data by one or more columns, which can help you to find specific information quickly. Filters can be applied to the table, allowing you to show only the needed data.
  4. Excel tables also allow for calculated columns, which can be used to perform calculations based on other columns in the table. This can be useful when you need to perform complex calculations on your data.
  5. Another great feature of Excel tables is the total row, which can be used to calculate data in the table. 

This lets you quickly see the sum, average, or another statistic for the data in a particular column.

Benefits of converting ranges to tables

Converting ranges to tables in Excel provides several benefits, including always-visible headers, banded rows and formatting, sorting and filtering, calculated columns, and calculating table data with a total row. These features make it easier to manage and analyze data in Excel.

How to convert a table to a range in Excel

If you have an Excel table and you want to convert it to a range of data, there are two simple ways to do it. 

  1. Click anywhere in the table
  2. Go to Table Tools > Design on the Ribbon.

    Table Tools > Design
  3. In the Tools group, click Convert to Range. This will remove the table formatting and turn it into a regular range of cells.
    Convert to Range
  4. You may see a question like this > Click Yes
    convert rage to table


  1. Right-click the table
  2. Click Table > Convert to Range in the shortcut menu. This will also remove the table formatting and convert it into a range of cells.
    Convert to range in the short menu

Converting a table to a range of data can be useful if you want to remove the table formatting or if you need to work with the data outside of a table. It's important to note that converting the table to a range will not delete any of the data or formulas in the table, so you won't lose any of your work.

How to convert a range to a table in Excel

If you have a range of data in Excel that you want to convert into a table, there's an easy way to do it. 

  1. Select any cell in your dataset.
  2. Press the Ctrl + T keys together. This will bring up the Create Table dialog box.

    In the Create Table dialog box, you'll want to verify that Excel has selected your data range correctly. You should also make sure that the "My table has headers" box is selected. 

    Convert a range to a table


    If your dataset has headers, this box should already be checked. If your dataset doesn't have headers, uncheck this box. Once you've verified these settings, click OK.

  3. After you click OK, Excel will create a table based on your data range. The table will have a unique style and formatting, including filter and sorting options. 

You can also easily add new rows or columns to the table, and Excel will automatically update the table range to include any new data.

Converting a range to a table can make working with and analyzing your data easier. For example, you can easily sort and filter the data and use the table to create charts or pivot tables.

Convert the cell range to a table using the table style

You can easily convert a range of cells to a table in Excel using a pre-designed table style. 

  1. Select any cell in your data set. 
  2. Go to the Home tab on the ribbon and look for the Styles group. 
  3. In this group, you'll see an option called "Format as Table." Click on this option to open the gallery of table styles.
  4. Choose the table style you like best. 

    When you select a style, Excel will automatically apply it to your data range. If you want to change the style later, go to the Design tab and choose a new style from the Table Styles group.

    Convert a cell range to a table

    After you've selected a table style, Excel will open the Create Table dialog box. Here, you'll want to ensure that the selected range is correct and that the "My table has headers" box is checked. 

    Convert a cell range to a table

    If your dataset has headers, this box should already be checked. If your dataset doesn't have headers, uncheck this box. 

  5. Once you've verified these settings, click OK.

After you click OK, Excel will create a table based on your data range with the style you selected. The table will have all the benefits of a table, including filter and sorting options, and you can easily customize it to suit your needs.

Examples of when to use tables versus ranges in Excel

Excel tables and ranges have their uses and advantages depending on the situation. 

For instance, if you want conditional formatting, using a range is best. But if you have a large amount of data that needs to be sorted or filtered frequently, an Excel table can be the better choice.

Tables are also useful when inserting a total row that calculates values in a column. On the other hand, ranges are handy for ad-hoc calculations and quick data analysis.

For example, using a range may be more efficient if you have a small dataset and only need to perform simple calculations. However, if you have a larger dataset with multiple columns, rows, and headers, a table would be more effective for sorting, filtering, and summarizing data.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, understanding how to convert an Excel table to a range and vice versa is a valuable skill that can help you manage and analyze data more efficiently. 

Converting a table to a range allows for greater flexibility in data management, while converting a range to a table provides a more structured and easily readable format. 

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily convert between the two formats and choose the one that best suits your needs.

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